Perl open source contest

Lex Spoon lex at
Thu Feb 3 15:30:33 UTC 2000

"Lex Spoon" <lex at> wrote:
> FWIW, Python is basically Smalltalk without the GUI.

Ouch.  So it's not as similar as I thought.  But I'll back it up a
little even so:

	1. Compared to *Perl*.  Python is extremely like Smalltalk.  The
subject said Perl, so it was at least worth pointing out.

	2. Compared to other OO languages like C++ or Java, Python still has a
lot of Smalltalk's charms.  It doesn't have static type checking.  It
leaves everything as an object, even if you can't extend system
classes--thus you can stick an integer into a generic collection.

Really, if you had to pick one language other than Smalltalk to work in,
what would it be?  I haven't worked extensively in Python, but it was
what I used before a good open-source Smalltalk became available (yay


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