How about Smalltalk-2000?

Daniel Allan Joyce daniel.a.joyce at
Thu Feb 17 01:03:50 UTC 2000

	Don't get me started on Python, it's too damn inconsistent. Here, I
know the rules, messages and objects.

	BTW, + is not hardcoded into the VM, feel free to change it. In fact,
all Squeak primitives are written in Smalltalk, and compiled to C for
speed when the VM is built... <:) 

	Yes, you can override + even for Integers, just that the compiled prim
won't be called, but yours will. But feel free to write a new prim
anytime for speed. <:)

	If there was a SmallTalk chip, we could leave that step out, and run
pure ST bytecodes.

	Why should control objects be singletons?

	Squeak stands as the purest Smalltalk, Smalltalk all the way.

	Though I do admit, having to: do: message in class integers doesn't sit
right with me.

	Why should integers be concerned with loops.

	Perhaps a flow control class would help with that? It would allow us to
factor out the loop semantics of integer, which I don't think belong,
and allow us to make loops and flow control work for arbitrary classes.

	loop 1 to: 4 by: .5 do:[]

	loop a to: z do: []

	Hmmmm... Maybe make then auto-gend by the compiler like 4 and 5 are
without the need of new?


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