
Stephen Travis Pope stp at
Sat Jan 22 02:47:14 UTC 2000

For another benchmark of Pierre's "improvement," a simple test of
SortedCollection>>select: such as,

  | co ra |
  co := SortedCollection new.
  ra := Random new.
  5000 timesRepeat: [co addLast: ra next].
  co reSort.
  Transcript cr; show: 'Select: ',  
      (Time millisecondsToRun: 
          [co select: [ :i | i odd]]) printString, ' msec'; cr.

took 15 sec on a 450 MHz Pentium before changing the add: to addLast: in
OrderedCollection>>select: and 50 msec afterwards!!!

Let's see, 15000 / 50 = 30000%  "improvement."


Stephen Travis Pope  --

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