Type Safety (was Re: fun and empowerment)

Mark Guzdial guzdial at cc.gatech.edu
Sun Jan 30 20:58:44 UTC 2000

This was a great article -- thanks for posting it, Marcus!  The 
authors did a VERY careful job with the experimental design and the 
evaluation.  This is the first serious empirical effort I'd seen on 
measuring the value of types.

Unfortunately, a well-controlled experiment usually means a pretty 
narrow finding, and that seems to be the case here.  The main finding 
here is that programmers who used a more strongly typed C (ANSI C) 
made fewer type errors when connecting with a library that had typed 
interfaces (Motif) than programmers using a less strongly typed C 
(K&R C).  The point is well made and well supported, but it doesn't 
answer all of the typing issues. For example, it's not true that they 
made fewer overall errors -- there was no significant difference 
between the groups on severe errors that were not related to type.

In particular, this experiment doesn't tell us anything about the 
value of type systems to catch errors in problem and program 
understanding.  Consider, for example, designing an appointment book 
where there are user-defined types Appointment, Date, Contact, 
AppointmentBook, and so on.  A good type system should be able to 
catch when you're passing in a mere Date to something that expects a 
whole Appointment (presumably associated with a Date and perhaps a 
Contact), though for some uses, Appointments and Dates may support 
identical interfaces, so it should be acceptable to use them 
interchangeably if only the common protocol is being used.  Does 
having a strongly-typed language with this kind of flexibility help 
you (i.e., catch errors that you might not catch otherwise) or hurt 
you (i.e., cost you more in dealing with type declarations and 
coercions than you save in debugging time)?

Coming up with an experiment or set of experiments to really explore 
the value of types is a challenge.  There are lots of language issues 
to deal with and language issues to deal with.  For example, in the 
Prechelt and Tichy paper, all the programmers in the study were quite 
experienced in C, which allowed them to tackle a larger-than-toy 
program , but also meant that they may have already developed idioms 
and practices which may have led them toward being more successful in 
ANSI C than K&R C.  It's a hard question to answer.


>On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 10:11:55PM -0500, Mark Guzdial wrote:
> > But this is actually more than me being "pedagogues who look on their
> > profession as an opportunity for pederastic abuse" :-)  I'm seriously
> > interested: Does anyone know of any empirical evidence for the value
> > of types?  Or is it a myth that we invented to rationalize the typing
> > needed to improve the compiler's performance?
> >
>Lutz Prechelt, Walter F. Tichy.
>A Controlled Experiment to Assess the Benefits of
>Procedure Argument Type Checking.
>IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 24(4):302-312, April 1998.
>Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de phone at home:(0721)614235 

Mark Guzdial : Georgia Tech : College of Computing : Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
(404) 894-5618 : Fax (404) 894-0673 : guzdial at cc.gatech.edu

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