Of source code lost in eternity

Stan Heckman stan at stanheckman.com
Fri Jan 14 22:52:02 UTC 2000

(I think Andre Garzia meant this to go to the list --stan)

On 14 Jan 00, at 13:30, Stan Heckman wrote:

> andregarzia at openlink.com.br writes:
> > sorry, i am new to smalltalk
> Greetings and be welcome.

> >  but i like testing alpha softwares, 
> Then you must already know that alpha software is young, still
> learning how to behave. It may, in its learning process, mistreat
> you. You have been warned. :-)
> > how do i upgrade?
> This is explained on the Squeak Alpha Testing page of the swiki
> http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/982. (Those instructions are for
> upgrading 2.6 to 2.7a, but I suspect you will figure out how to use
> them to upgrade 2.7 to 2.8alpha.) If you don't know how to update yet,
> read the note at the bottom of the download page,
> http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/388. If these pages don't make
> sense to you, let us know.

Okey i upgraded to 2.8alpha and my computer still working!!!
I have a question/bug report/comment:

i was trying to smalltalk a little when my windows died. i reboot 
and restarted Squeak and received a msgbox telling me my gp-
squeak2.8.changes was missing or in the wrong directory, but i
checked and it still there.... so i created a new image and continued
working, everything was fine.

then i intentionaly induced (the word induced exist in english!?) 
some GPF in my windows to kill squeak. after repeating the
proccess i noticed that each time you do not correctly close
squeak, the next time you run, it will complaing about missing
the <your image>.changes files.

Does this heapens only with me? Is it a bug or theres some
ReadMe explaining that?

Well i might just be too anxious to spot missing holes...

Ghinea Pigging Forever
Andre Garzia

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