Structuring a form using MVC

Piero Campanelli campanelli at
Tue Jan 25 11:38:04 UTC 2000


I have a question related with Squeak and with MVC. I am building a form
for inserting name and surnname. Form has two buttons (ok and cancel).
Suppose I have:

class Person
class Family (which is an aggegation of Person)

Now suppose i have built the do i relate to the model ????
I want that after 'OK', following algorithm is executed:

	read values of textViews
	create a Person 'p' with these values
	insert p into the model (which is Family)

If i take PluggableTextView, it has a method called action: which is a
method of the model to execute when i click button OK. But in this case i
want to read values of other widgets, execute some code and then insert
into the model. Do you know How can i solve this problem ???

Probably does i need to create an application model which includes Family


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