Window Frames for system windows

Bob Arning arning at
Sat Jul 22 09:08:57 UTC 2000

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 10:32:49 +0200 Karl Ramberg <karl.ramberg at> wrote:
>While we are at it, is there a way to draw a submorph behind it's owner?  
>That would make life easier.

There are a couple of ways to approach it:

1. Make the owner behave like the HandMorph by implementing #fullDrawOn: which reverses the normal order of draw-self-then-draw-submorphs. You could even tailor it so that some submorphs were drawn, then the owner, then the rest of the submorphs.

2. Make the submorph simulate being drawn behind. The submorph could arrange to draw only those parts of itself which were outside the owner's bounds. This would be tricky to do if the owner was translucent and/or irregularly shaped. 


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