[ENH]B3DSceneExplorerMorph moveToFit

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Fri Jul 14 17:22:54 UTC 2000

I tryed several times to load .3DS files in the B3DSceneExplorerMorph but
newer saw any thing loaded at all. The files loaded fine when I used 
the FileList so I copied over some code to make items show up easier.
Maybe this should be a menu option instead?

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak2.9alpha of 13 June 2000 [latest update: #2447] on 14 July 2000 at 7:15:31 pm'!

!B3DSceneExplorerMorph methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'kfr 7/14/2000 19:15'!
	| menu result newFileString myScene |
	menu := StandardFileMenu oldFileMenu: (FileDirectory default) withPattern: '*.3ds'.
	result := menu startUpWithCaption: 'Select 3DS model file ...'.
	result ifNotNil: [	
		newFileString := (result directory pathName),(result directory pathNameDelimiter asString),(result name).
		myScene := (B3DScene withoutQuestionsFrom3DS: (ThreeDSParser parseFileNamed: newFileString)).
		myScene defaultCamera moveToFit: myScene.
		self scene: myScene].! !

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