Warning - newbie questions

Michael Bauers MichaelB at firstlogic.com
Wed Jul 12 20:17:17 UTC 2000

1) What is the difference between a Morph project and a Morph world?
2) I was playing with a Morph Project and a dragged a 'string' from the
parts onto the the screen.  I wanted to modify the string it displayed.  I
was able to do it by using halo-debug, inspect, and typing "self contents:
'new string'" into the inspector.  Very cool, but I wondered if there was an
easier way.
3) If I drop a Morph onto another Morph in the Morph project window, they
appear to be grouped together in some way.  Can anyone explain in simple
terms how this worked?  Feel free to just send me a link to any relevant
info on the net about this stuff.  I had played with one Morph tutorial, but
it did not really explain how Morphs interacted in the Morph project window.
Forgive my ignorance.

p.s. Squeak is darn cool, my hats off to all of the awesome people who have
worked on it, but I wish I had a book on it.  I guess a few are coming out?
I hate MSVC :)

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