[SF][Unix][VM] Makefile.in GNU-make dependent

Stephan Rudlof sr at evolgo.de
Wed Jul 19 14:20:53 UTC 2000

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Raab, Andreas wrote:
> > Nothing prevents you to use Sun cc with GNU make. Just fix up the
> > configuration (or the Makefile itself) so it says "CC = cc" rather than "CC
> > = gcc". That's (in a nutshell; not counting compiler/linker flags) all there
> > is to it.
> >
> > Incidentally, I think it's no problem at all to have Makefile.in gmake
> > dependent. To use it you'll have to run autoconf and (IIRC) autoconf is GNU
> > software so there should be a gmake somewhere if autoconf is there. If there
> > isn't (no autoconf and no gmake) you'll have to write your makefile from
> > scratch anyways so who cares if the template is gmake dependent ;-))
> No, you misunderstood the concept of autoconf.
> The point of the GNU autoconf tools is that the user who gets a program as
> source code just types "./configure" followed by "make", and it works. It
> does not require gmake, nor gcc, nor any GNU specific software. The
> "configure" program is just a shell script that (most commonly) creates a
> Makefile from a Makefile.in template using only tools that exist on each
> U*ix, like "sed".
> It's only the developer who needs GNU autoconf installed to generate the
> configure script from the configure.in description. That script is not
> even GPL'ed but distributable under any license the author wishes (see
> http://www.gnu.org/manual/autoconf/html_node/autoconf_84.html).
> With a carefully crafted configure script it's possible to generate a
> Makefile for that specific system - even if it is as dumb as SunOS
> make. All the 'hard' stuff that would need gmake wizardry should be left
> to configure.

Ok, then there is probably a need to rework src/Makefile.in and
conf/configure.in to have a ´carefully crafted configure script´...
Are there any motivated autoconf/make/configure specialists?



> -- Bert

Stephan Rudlof (sr at evolgo.de)
   "Genius doesn't work on an assembly line basis.
    You can't simply say, 'Today I will be brilliant.'"
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