[Fix] slashdot.com look good was re: [enh] embeddedmorphdeletion

Stefan Matthias Aust sma at 3plus4.de
Fri Jun 16 18:32:50 UTC 2000

Addition:  This code added to HtmlBody will help, but doesn't solve the 
problem.  How normal text is rendered as it should but any change to the 
text attributes (<b> or <h1> or similar) will go back to black.  Somebody 
else might want to track this down and provide a complete solution...

addToFormatter: formatter
	| color textAttribList |
	color _ self getAttribute: 'text'.
	textAttribList _ OrderedCollection new.
	color ifNotNil: [textAttribList add: (TextColor color: (Color fromString: 
	formatter startFont: textAttribList.
	super addToFormatter: formatter.
	formatter endFont: textAttribList

Stefan Matthias Aust  //  Bevor wir fallen, fallen wir lieber auf

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