Where is FFI mac plugin ? Re: external programs

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Thu Jun 15 17:10:07 UTC 2000

Just for fun I tried to play with the FFI plugin on the mac but 
it failed and when I listed the built in plugins on the 2.8beta5
I could not see it:

Smalltalk listBuiltinModules #('BitBltPlugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'B2DPlugin 12 June 2000 (i)'
'SurfacePlugin' 'FilePlugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'SocketPlugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'SoundPlugin 12 June
2000 (i)' 'MIDIPlugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'SerialPlugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'JoystickTabletPlugin 12
June 2000 (i)' 'AsynchFilePlugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'LargeIntegers v1.1 12 June 2000 (i)' 'FFTPlugin
12 June 2000 (i)' 'FloatArrayPlugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'Matrix2x3Plugin 12 June 2000 (i)' 'ZipPlugin
12 June 2000 (i)')

So my question goes: where is it ? 


Jecel Assumpcao Jr wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Stefan Matthias Aust wrote:
> > I'm not aware of a general solution, but it's pretty easy to call external
> > programs in Windows using the FFI.  This is my first contact with FFI, so
> > I'm not sure whether this is the most elegant solution but it seems to work.
> Yes - this seems like the best option. Which means I will have to move
> to Squeak 2.8. I'll have to see if I can make this work on all
> platforms (winShellOpen:, macShellOpen: and unixShellOpen:) inside a
> single image.
> > To cool thing about ShellExecute is that Windows knows the right
> > application from the file extension.  So it opens a *.html file in your
> > favorite browser.
> Perfect! This lets me avoid have a preference dialog to set the browser
> path. On the other hand, having that dialog would allow the option of
> using Scamper...
> -- Jecel

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