Wanna do something?

Douglas Brebner douglas+list at fang.demon.co.uk
Sun Jun 18 20:08:05 UTC 2000

On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, Stefan Matthias Aust wrote:
> Better feel for Menus
>    I'd like to have a menu bar morph with the typical feel of pulldown 
> menus (no you can't simulate this with an horizontal aligned, persistent 
> popup menu morph).  Submenus need a small delay before they open and before 
> the close.  I can't really describe this now, but that small delay is very 
> important for the right feel - see Windows' start menu for an example.  I'm 
> sure the Mac has the same delay, too.

It's called hysteresis and there's a good description of it at


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