Proposal3: Make $_ a valid identifier character

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Thu Jun 1 01:12:46 UTC 2000

	This is historically wrong. (See eg. "The early history of Smalltalk".)
	Smalltalk did not adopt ascii until ST-80. Before this they used their own
	set, including "eyes" and smiley faces in ST-72.

What Smalltalk*72* used or was able to use is one thing.
The fact remains that the Altos did have an arrow key,
did not have a smiley key, and did not have an underscore key.

	Hence, they could obviously use whatever they wanted.

Not *and* share files with Mesa or Lisp people.
Not *and* share files with Bravo.

	A look at some ST-76 code shows that the
	intercappedStyle was used already then,

Only relevant to the discussion *if* underscore was available.

	I think it is a definite possibilty that underscores came to be used because
	there were no lowercase characters avaiable, only uppercase. (Lowercase?
While *some* equipment didn't have lower case, Flexowriters did.
Perhaps more interestingly, the American military codeset FIELDATA
had lower case before 1963.


Note in particular that the underscore was placed in character sets
to support typewriter-style underlining (ASCII-63 and ASCII-67 are
both paper-type/typewriter codes rather than punched card/line printer codes).
The hypothesis that it has some connection with upper case is falsified by
APL, which uses an up triangle to separate words (LIKE/\THIS), even though
it has an underscore (the up triangle in APL is a single character, the same
width as the letters).

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