Question: CompiledMethod evaluation

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at
Fri Jun 9 02:24:32 UTC 2000

>	I'm working on a project that deals with message sending and reception.
>By now, I need a way to evaluate a CompiledMethod (retrieved from a
>class) on a given receiver (instance of that class)...
>In VisualWorks, there's something to deal with this: 
>CompiledMethod >>valueWithReceiver:arguments:
>But, this is not available in Squeak. I guess there must be way to do
>it, as in fact the debugger can do the evaluation of methods. 
>Some ideas ??  I'd really appreciate any HELP !!

Well, as others have said this is a gross violation of just about every good practise, but I've done similar things myself...

The approach I would take is to make up a very simple behavior with a very small MethodDict, and put your method into it with some selector.  Then point that class's superclass at the class of the reciever and do a perform.

If this is in the inner loop of some simulation, my guess is you can keep this structure around, and accomplish what you want with only a couple of pointer stores of overhead.

	- Dan

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