
Richard A. O'Keefe ok at atlas.otago.ac.nz
Wed Jun 7 22:57:26 UTC 2000

Henrik Gedenryd <Henrik.Gedenryd at lucs.lu.se> wrote:
	I already can't find things very well. There's squeak.org, minnow, and some
	people have their own sites set up, like Torge I believe it is. Then,
	several people put their updates off the swiki. And there are a number of
	different ftp sites, eg. one with updates and another with images, vms and
	such. And then there's SQFIXES.
	And now there's promise of another one.
Me too.  I think it's wonderful that people want to set up web sites to
support Squeak, but I can't help thinking that having a master site with
all the major stuff and using the additional sites as mirrors might be a
more effective method.  Two of the primary archive sites I use (for text
related stuff) were unavailable yesterday.  One of them had a mirror, so
hooray.  The other didn't, and a related site didn't have what I was
looking for, so boo-hoo.

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