[ENH][FIX] HTTP-Proxies

Michael Rueger Michael.Rueger.-ND at disney.com
Wed Mar 1 23:02:17 UTC 2000

Change Set:		ProxyFix-mir
Date:			3 August 1999
Author:			Michael Rueger

Setting a proxy in Squeak usually keeps you from connecting to local hosts
within your domain. This fix adds a list of exempt host or domain names to
HTTPSocket, which should not be contacted through the proxy.


 "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often." 
                                            Winston Churchill
| Michael Rueger                                             |
| Phone: ++1 (818) 623 3283        Fax:   ++1 (818) 623 3559 |
+---------- Michael.Rueger.-ND at corp.go.com ------------------+
-------------- next part --------------
"Change Set:		ProxyFix-mir
Date:			3 August 1999
Author:			Michael Rueger

Setting a proxy in Squeak usually keeps you from connecting to local hosts within your domain. This fix adds a list of exempt host or domain names to HTTPSocket, which should not be contacted through the proxy.

SimpleClientSocket subclass: #HTTPSocket
	instanceVariableNames: 'headerTokens headers responseCode '
	classVariableNames: 'HTTPBlabEmail HTTPPort HTTPProxyExceptions HTTPProxyPort HTTPProxyServer ParamDelimiters '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Network-Protocols'!

Url subclass: #HierarchicalUrl
	instanceVariableNames: 'schemeName authority port path query '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Network-Url'!

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'get the page' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 14:55'!
httpGetDocument: url args: args accept: mimeType request: requestString
	"Return the exact contents of a web object. Asks for the given MIME 
type. If mimeType is nil, use 'text/html'. An extra requestString may be 
submitted and must end with crlf.  The parsed header is saved. Use a 
proxy server if one has been registered.  tk 7/23/97 17:12"
	"Note: To fetch raw data, you can use the MIME type 

	| httpUrl page sock list header firstData aStream length type newUrl |
	Socket initializeNetwork.

	httpUrl _ Url absoluteFromText: url.
	page _ httpUrl toText.
	"add arguments"
	args ifNotNil: [page _ page, (self argString: args) ].

3 timesRepeat: [
	sock _ self initHTTPSocket: httpUrl ifError: [:errorString | ^errorString].

	"Transcript cr; cr; show: url."
	sock sendCommand: 'GET ', page, ' HTTP/1.0', CrLf, 
		(mimeType ifNotNil: ['ACCEPT: ', mimeType, CrLf] ifNil: ['']),
		'ACCEPT: text/html', CrLf,	"Always accept plain text"
		HTTPBlabEmail,	"may be empty"
		requestString,	"extra user request. Authorization"
		'User-Agent: Squeak 1.31', CrLf,
		'Host: ', httpUrl authority, ':', httpUrl port printString, CrLf.	"blank line 
automatically added"

	list _ sock getResponseUpTo: CrLf, CrLf.	"list = header, CrLf, CrLf, 
	header _ list at: 1.
	"Transcript show: page; cr; show: header; cr."
	firstData _ list at: 3.
	header isEmpty 
		ifTrue: [aStream _ 'server aborted early']
		ifFalse: [
			"dig out some headers"
			sock header: header.
			length _ sock getHeader: 'content-length'.
			length ifNotNil: [ length _ length asNumber ].
			type _ sock getHeader: 'content-type'.
			sock responseCode first = $3 ifTrue: [
				newUrl _ sock getHeader: 'location'.
				newUrl ifNotNil: [ 
					Transcript show: 'redirecting to ', newUrl; cr.
					sock destroy.
					^self httpGetDocument: newUrl  args: args  accept: mimeType ] ].
			aStream _ sock getRestOfBuffer: firstData totalLength: length.
			sock responseCode = '401' ifTrue: [^ header, aStream contents].
	sock destroy.	"Always OK to destroy!!"
	aStream class ~~ String ifTrue: [
 		^ MIMEDocument contentType: type content: aStream contents url: url].
	aStream = 'server aborted early' ifFalse: [
	].! !

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'get the page' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 15:44'!
httpPostDocument: url  args: argsDict accept: mimeType request: requestString
	"like httpGET, except it does a POST instead of a GET.  POST allows data to be uploaded"

	| s header length page list firstData aStream argsStream first type newUrl httpUrl |
	Socket initializeNetwork.

	httpUrl _ Url absoluteFromText: url.
	page _ httpUrl toText.
	"add arguments"
	argsDict ifNotNil: [page _ page, (self argString: argsDict) ].

	"encode the arguments dictionary"
	argsStream _ WriteStream on: String new.
	first _ true.
	argsDict associationsDo: [ :assoc |
		assoc value do: [ :value |
			first ifTrue: [ first _ false ] ifFalse: [ argsStream nextPut: $& ].
			argsStream nextPutAll: assoc key encodeForHTTP.
			argsStream nextPut: $=.
			argsStream nextPutAll: value encodeForHTTP.
	] ].

	s _ HTTPSocket new. 
	s _ self initHTTPSocket: httpUrl wait: (self deadlineSecs: 30) ifError: [:errorString | ^errorString].
	Transcript cr; show: url; cr.
	s sendCommand: 'POST ', page, ' HTTP/1.0', CrLf, 
		(mimeType ifNotNil: ['ACCEPT: ', mimeType, CrLf] ifNil: ['']),
		'ACCEPT: text/html', CrLf,	"Always accept plain text"
		HTTPBlabEmail,	"may be empty"
		requestString,	"extra user request. Authorization"
		'User-Agent: Squeak 1.31', CrLf,
		'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', CrLf,
		'Content-length: ', argsStream contents size printString, CrLf,
		'Host: ', httpUrl authority, CrLf.  "blank line automatically added"

	s sendCommand: argsStream contents.

	"get the header of the reply"
	list _ s getResponseUpTo: CrLf, CrLf.	"list = header, CrLf, CrLf, beginningOfData"
	header _ list at: 1.
	"Transcript show: page; cr; show: argsStream contents; cr; show: header; cr."
	firstData _ list at: 3.

	"dig out some headers"
	s header: header.
	length _ s getHeader: 'content-length'.
	length ifNotNil: [ length _ length asNumber ].
	type _ s getHeader: 'content-type'.
	s responseCode first = $3 ifTrue: [
		newUrl _ s getHeader: 'location'.
		newUrl ifNotNil: [
			Transcript show: 'redirecting to: ', newUrl; cr.
			s destroy.
			^self httpPostDocument: newUrl  args: argsDict  accept: mimeType ] ].

	aStream _ s getRestOfBuffer: firstData totalLength: length.
	s responseCode = '401' ifTrue: [^ header, aStream contents].
	s destroy.	"Always OK to destroy!!"

	^ MIMEDocument contentType: type  content: aStream contents url: url! !

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'proxy settings' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 16:08'!
addProxyException: domainName
	"Add a (partial, wildcard) domain name to the list of proxy exceptions"
	"HTTPSocket addProxyException: '*.online.disney.com'"

	self httpProxyExceptions add: domainName! !

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'proxy settings' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 15:03'!
	HTTPProxyExceptions ifNil: [HTTPProxyExceptions _ OrderedCollection new].
	^HTTPProxyExceptions! !

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'proxy settings' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 15:03'!
removeProxyException: domainName
	"Remove a (partial, wildcard) domain name from the list of proxy exceptions"

	self httpProxyExceptions remove: domainName ifAbsent: []! !

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 15:46'!
initHTTPSocket: httpUrl ifError: aBlock
	"Retrieve the server and port information from the URL, match it to the proxy settings and open a http socket for the request."

	^self initHTTPSocket: httpUrl wait: self standardDeadline ifError: aBlock! !

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 15:43'!
initHTTPSocket: httpUrl wait: timeout ifError: aBlock
	"Retrieve the server and port information from the URL, match it to the proxy settings and open a http socket for the request."

	| serverName port serverAddr s |
	Socket initializeNetwork.

	serverName _ httpUrl authority.
	port _ httpUrl port ifNil: [self defaultPort].

	(self shouldUseProxy: serverName) ifTrue: [ 
		serverName _ HTTPProxyServer.
		port _ HTTPProxyPort].

  	"make the request"	
	self retry: [serverAddr _ NetNameResolver addressForName: serverName timeout: 20.
				serverAddr ~~ nil] 
		asking: 'Trouble resolving server name.  Keep trying?'
		ifGiveUp: [aBlock value: 'Error: Could not resolve the server named: ', serverName].

	s _ HTTPSocket new.
	s connectTo: serverAddr port: port.
	(s waitForConnectionUntil: timeout) ifFalse: [
		Socket deadServer: httpUrl authority.
		s destroy.
		^aBlock value: 'Error: Server ',httpUrl authority,' is not responding'].
! !

!HTTPSocket class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 13:33'!
shouldUseProxy: serverName
	"Retrieve the server and port information from the URL, match it to the proxy settings and open a http socket for the request."

	HTTPProxyServer ifNotNil: [
		self httpProxyExceptions
			detect: [:domainName | domainName match: serverName]
			ifNone: [^true]].
! !

!HierarchicalUrl methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 13:05'!
privateInitializeFromText: aString

	| remainder ind nextTok s specifiedSchemeName |
	remainder _ aString.

	schemeName ifNil: [ 
		specifiedSchemeName _ Url schemeNameForString: remainder.
		specifiedSchemeName ifNotNil: [ 
			schemeName _ specifiedSchemeName.
			remainder _ remainder copyFrom: (schemeName size+2) to: remainder size ].
		schemeName ifNil: [ "assume HTTP"  schemeName _ 'http' ] ].

	"remove leading // if it's there"
	(remainder beginsWith: '//') ifTrue: [
		remainder _ remainder copyFrom: 3 to: remainder size ].

	"get the query"
	ind _ remainder indexOf: $?.
	ind > 0 ifTrue: [
		query _ (remainder copyFrom: ind+1 to: remainder size).
		remainder _ remainder copyFrom: 1 to: ind-1 ].

	"get the authority"
	ind _ remainder indexOf: $/.
	ind > 0 ifTrue: [
		ind = 1 ifTrue: [ authority _ '' ] ifFalse: [
			authority _ remainder copyFrom: 1 to: ind-1.
			remainder _ remainder copyFrom: ind+1 to: remainder size. ] ]
	ifFalse: [
		authority _ remainder.
		remainder _ ''. ].

	"Extract the port"
	(authority includes: $:)
		ifTrue: [
			port _ (authority copyFrom: (authority indexOf: $:) + 1 to: authority size) asNumber.
			authority _ authority copyUpTo: $:].

	"get the path"
	path _ OrderedCollection new.
	s _ ReadStream on: remainder.
		s peek = $/ ifTrue: [ s next ].
		nextTok _ WriteStream on: String new.
		[ s atEnd or: [ s peek = $/ ] ] whileFalse: [ nextTok nextPut: s next ].
		nextTok _ nextTok contents unescapePercents.
		nextTok = '..' 
			ifTrue: [ path size > 0 ifTrue: [ path removeLast ] ]
			ifFalse: [ nextTok ~= '.' ifTrue: [ path add: nextTok ] ].
		s atEnd 
	] whileFalse.
	path isEmpty ifTrue: [ path add: '' ].! !

!HierarchicalUrl methodsFor: 'access' stamp: 'mir 7/30/1999 13:05'!
	^port! !

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