Word from the Squeakend

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Mon Mar 13 03:48:19 UTC 2000

Folks -

I had to miss the Sunday part of the STP's Squeakend, but a couple of people were taking notes, and you should hear from them soon (if not already).  Thanks to STP for organizaing this event.  Squeakers are a great lot!

One thing became clear during the first day, and that is the need to work on our first impressions on the Squeak.org website and, more importantly, in the Squeak release image.

We declared a new Squeak Central Project to this end that will consist at least of the following general items:

	Remove as many irritants as possible (surprising window controls, etc).

	Use the first screen to introduce the major features of Squeak

	Devote a project to each of these, with documentation as well as demos

	As we have been planning,  the next level will then extend on into richer
		web-based Squeak content.

The general purpose is to reveal each of the strengths of Squeak, with more context of its current state of development, where it is going, an example,and how to explore it further.  I believe we can greatly improve the "entry problem" independent of other progress on the system itself.

A number of attendees expressed interest in this project.  In the time between now and a final 2.8 release, I will try to incorporate various people's suggestions, and make available some sample screens for critique (as remote projects, of course).

	- Dan

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