[FIX] Unimplemented

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Thu Mar 16 18:41:34 UTC 2000

There are a lot of sent but unimplemented methods (Smalltalk
browseAllUnimplementedCalls) so I fixed some of the calls. There are more,
a lot methods are probably just dead code and can be removed.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak2.8alpha of 18 January 2000 [latest update: #1919] on 16 March 2000 at 7:37:21 pm'!
"Change Set:		unimplemented-bf
Date:			16 March 2000
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

There are a lot of sent but unimplemented methods (Smalltalk browseAllUnimplementedCalls) so I fixed some of the calls. There are more, a lot methods are probably just dead code and can be removed."!

!FlashFileStream methodsFor: 'writing data' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:01'!
nextColorMatrixPut: cm
	"Write a (possibly compressed) color transformation"
	self flushBits.
	self nextBits: 2 put: 3. "Always write full transform"
	self nextBits: 4 put: 15. "Always use full accuracy"
	self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm rMul.
	self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm gMul.
	self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm bMul.
	hasAlpha ifTrue:[self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm aMul].
	self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm rAdd.
	self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm gAdd.
	self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm bAdd.
	hasAlpha ifTrue:[self nextSignedBits: 15 put: cm aAdd].! !

!Float class methodsFor: 'plugin generation' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:06'!
ccg: cg emitLoadFor: aString from: anInteger on: aStream

	cg emitLoad: aString asFloatValueFrom: anInteger on: aStream! !

!MailMessage methodsFor: 'access' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 18:31'!
	"Answer a date string for this message."

	^(Date fromSeconds: time + (Date newDay: 1 year: 1980) asSeconds) 
		printFormat: #(2 1 3 47 1 2)! !

!MouseOverMorph methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 18:57'!
mouseMove: event
	"Relay a mouseMove event to my model."

	mouseMoveSelector ifNotNil:
		[mouseMoveSelector numArgs = 0
			ifTrue: [^ model perform: mouseMoveSelector].
		mouseMoveSelector numArgs = 1
			ifTrue: [^ model perform: mouseMoveSelector with: event cursorPoint].
		mouseMoveSelector numArgs = 2
			ifTrue: [^ model perform: mouseMoveSelector with: event cursorPoint with: event].
		^ self error: 'mouseMoveSelector must take 0, 1, or 2 arguments']! !

!ParagraphEditor methodsFor: 'editing keys' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 18:25'!
	"In TextLinks, TextDoits, TextColor, and TextURLs, there is hidden
info.  Copy that to the clipboard.  You can paste it and see what it is.
Usually enclosed in <>."

	| attrList |
	attrList _ paragraph text attributesAt: (startBlock stringIndex +
stopBlock stringIndex)//2 forStyle: paragraph textStyle.
	attrList do: [:attr |
		(attr isKindOf: TextAction) ifTrue:
			[^ self clipboardTextPut: ('<', attr info, '>') asText]].
	"If none of the above"
	attrList do: [:attr |
		attr class == TextColor ifTrue:
			[^ self clipboardTextPut: attr color printString asText]].
	^ self clipboardTextPut: '[No hidden info]' asText! !

!RNInboxFile methodsFor: 'scanning' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:19'!
startOfArticle: aString
	"Answer the newsgroup name if the given string is the start of a news article, for example:
		Article 2958 of comp.lang.smalltalk:
	Otherwise, answer nil."

	| s name |
	s _ ReadStream on: aString.
	(self nextStringOf: s equals: 'Article ') ifFalse: [^nil].
	[s next isDigit] whileTrue.	"consumes digits plus the following space"
	(self nextStringOf: s equals: 'of ') ifFalse: [^nil].
	name _ s upTo: $:.
	((name size > 1) & (s atEnd)) ifFalse: [^nil].
	^name! !

!ScreenController methodsFor: 'menu messages' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 18:26'!
	Preferences setPreference: #soundsEnabled
		toValue: Preferences soundsEnabled not! !

!TestCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'linking' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:20'!
emitLoad: aString asMemberOf: aClass from: anInteger on: aStream

	self emitLoad: aString asNakedOopFrom: anInteger on: aStream.
		nextPutAll: 'interpreterProxy->success(interpreterProxy->isMemberOf(';
		nextPutAll: aString;
		nextPutAll: 	', ''';
		nextPutAll:	aClass asString;
		nextPutAll: '''))'! !

!ThreeDSChunkDescription methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 18:58'!
printOn: aStream

	aStream nextPutAll: 'Chunk('.
	id printOn: aStream base: 16.
		nextPut: $h;
		nextPutAll: name.
	Sensor commandKeyPressed ifTrue: [
		aStream space; nextPut: $<; nextPutAll: comment; nextPut: $>].
	aStream nextPut: $)! !

!ThreeDSParser methodsFor: 'reading-keyframe' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 18:22'!
trackCollect: aBlock
	"Read keyframes, return Array with values of aBlock "
	| flags keys frame unknown1 paramFlags params paramMask param |
	"Track header"
	flags := self short.
	unknown1 := (1 to: 2) collect: [:i | self long].
	keys := self long.
	log == nil ifFalse: [log crtab: indent; nextPutAll: 'Flags: '; print: flags; 
		nextPutAll: ' {', flags hex, '}';
		nextPutAll: ' Unknown: '; print: unknown1].
	^(1 to: keys) collect: [:i |
		params := nil.
		"Key header"
		frame := self long.
		paramFlags := self short.
		log == nil ifFalse: [log crtab: indent; print: frame; nextPutAll: ':	['; print: paramFlags; nextPutAll: ']	'].
		"Params, if not default"
		paramFlags = 0 ifFalse: [
			params := Dictionary new.
			paramMask := 1.
			#(tension: continuity: bias: easeTo: easeFrom:) with: 
			#(true true true false false) do: [:what :symmetric |
				param := (paramFlags bitAnd: paramMask) ~= 0
					ifTrue: [self float]
					ifFalse: [0.0].
				log == nil ifFalse: [log crtab: indent+1; print: param; space; nextPutAll: what; space;
					print: (symmetric ifTrue: [25 * (1 + param)] ifFalse: [param * 50]) rounded].
				params at: what put: param.
				paramMask := paramMask bitShift: 1].
			log == nil ifFalse: [log crtab: indent+1]].
		log == nil ifFalse: [log nextPutAll: 'Data: '].
		frame -> (aBlock value: params)]! !

!ThreeDSParser class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:05'!
	"Initialize Class variable ChunkDescriptions from the documentation"
	"ThreeDSParser initializeChunkDescriptions "

	| s id tag comment sl c |
	s := ReadStream on: self chunkDocumentation.
	ChunkDescriptions := Dictionary new: 100.
	id := tag := comment := nil.
	[s atEnd] whileFalse: [
		s peek = Character tab
			ifFalse: [
				id isNil ifFalse: [
					ChunkDescriptions add: (ThreeDSChunkDescription
						id: id name: tag comment: comment contents)].
				id := Integer readFrom: s base: 16.
				s skip: 2.
				sl := ReadStream on: (s through: Character cr).
				tag := OrderedCollection new.
				[(c := sl next) isNil or: [c isSeparator]] whileFalse: [tag add: c].
				tag := String withAll: tag.
				sl skipSeparators.
				comment := WriteStream on: String new]
			ifTrue: [comment nextPutAll: (s through: Character cr)]
	ChunkDescriptions add: (ThreeDSChunkDescription
						id: id name: tag comment: comment contents)! !

!VRMLWriter class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:16'!
compileMultiFieldMethod: selString type: typeString
	| source selParts |
	source := String streamContents:[:s|
		selParts := selString findTokens: ':'.
		s nextPutAll: (selParts at: 1).
		s nextPutAll: ': fields '.
		s nextPutAll: (selParts at: 2).
		s nextPutAll: ': aVRMLStream '.
		s nextPutAll: (selParts at: 3).
		s nextPutAll: ': level '.
		s nextPutAll:('
	"This method was automatically generated"
	aVRMLStream nextPut: $[.
	1 to: fields size do:[:i|
		i > 1 ifTrue:[aVRMLStream crtab: level+1].
		self storeSingleField$TYPESTRING$: (fields at: i) on: aVRMLStream indent: level+1].
	aVRMLStream nextPut:$].' copyReplaceAll:'$TYPESTRING$' with: typeString).
	self compile: source classified:'multi field writing'! !

!VRMLWriter class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:17'!
compileSingleFieldMethod: selString type: typeString
	| source selParts |
	source := String streamContents:[:s|
		selParts := selString findTokens: ':'.
		s nextPutAll: (selParts at: 1).
		s nextPutAll: ': aField '.
		s nextPutAll: (selParts at: 2).
		s nextPutAll: ': aVRMLStream '.
		s nextPutAll: (selParts at: 3).
		s nextPutAll: ': level '.
		s crtab.
		s nextPutAll:'"This method was automatically generated"'.
		s crtab.
		s nextPutAll:'^aVRMLStream write'.
		s nextPutAll: typeString.
		s nextPutAll:': aField'.
	self compile: source classified:'single field writing'! !

!WonderlandActor methodsFor: 'set property' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:00'!
setVisibility: newVisibility duration: time
	"Sets the current object's visibility"

	(time = rightNow) ifTrue: [
		[ WonderlandVerifier Verify0To1Number: newVisibility ]
			ifError: [ :msg :rcvr |
				myWonderland reportErrorToUser: 'Squeak could not determine what visibility to make ' , myName , ' because ', msg.
				^ nil ].

		self setVisibilityRightNow: newVisibility undoable: true.
		^ self. ].

	^ (self setVisibility: newVisibility duration: time
			style: gently).

! !

!WonderlandActor methodsFor: 'set property' stamp: 'bf 3/16/2000 19:00'!
setVisibility: newVisibility duration: time style: aStyle
	"Sets the current object's visibility"

	| anim |

	"Check our arguments to make sure they're valid"
	[ WonderlandVerifier Verify0To1Number: newVisibility ]
		ifError: [ :msg :rcvr |
			myWonderland reportErrorToUser: 'Squeak could not determine what visibility to make ' , myName , ' because ', msg.
			^ nil ].

	[ WonderlandVerifier VerifyDuration: time ]
		ifError: [ :msg :rcvr |
			myWonderland reportErrorToUser:
				'Squeak could not determine the duration to use for changing the visibility of ' , myName , ' because ', msg.
			^ nil ].

	[ WonderlandVerifier VerifyStyle: aStyle ]
		ifError: [ :msg :rcvr |
			myWonderland reportErrorToUser: 'Squeak could not determine the style to use for changing the visibility of ' , myName , ' because ', msg.
			^ nil ].

	anim _ AbsoluteAnimation new.
	anim object: self
			update: [:tColor | self setColorVector: tColor]
			getStartState: [self getColorVector]
			getEndState: [B3DColor4 red: (myColor red) green: (myColor green)
						blue: (myColor blue) alpha: newVisibility]
			style: aStyle
			duration: time
			undoable: true
			inWonderland: myWonderland.

	^ anim.
! !

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