[ENH][WIDGET]RangeSliderMorph widget

Russell Swan swan at dandenong.cs.umass.edu
Sat Mar 18 03:09:58 UTC 2000

Attached is a changeset that implements a RangeSlider widget in Morphic.
RangeSliders differ from regular sliders in that they have two sliders on
one track, and are used to specify a range of values rather than a single
value. Ben Shneiderman uses them frequently (see his Dynamic Queries paper
- he shows 3 or 4 systems and everyone uses a rangeslider). They're rather
specialized, but they're very good for their specific application.

The demo examples in RangeSliderMorph require the ScaleMorph changeset I
posted earlier today.

I don't know where they belong in the image - Widgets, Demos, Experimental
- I'll let SqC figure that out. I'd appreciate any feedback,especially on
look & feel. Overall I think I got the feel right, but they don't look
that good. Some people can make good looking widgets by properly
specifiyng #raised and #inset for borderColor and setting the width right,
but my stuff never looks very good.

-Russell Swan

-------------- next part --------------
ScaleMorph subclass: #ArrayScale
	instanceVariableNames: 'boundaryCollection labelCollection model rectColors rectsAbove handlesMouseFlag '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'RangeSlider'!
!ArrayScale commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I am a variant on a ScaleMorph. My initialization arguments are an ordered array of numeric values, where my MajorTicks are drawn, and an ordered array with one less element of labels. I am useful for doing calendars and timelines, where the major ticks would be on month breaks. I have optional fields for drawing myself in different colors, above or below the tick marks.!

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 23:23'!
	^ self.! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 16:31'!
	" Calculates how many pixels above the bottom are used for tickMarks, 
	labels, captions, etc.  
	Area from self top to (self bottom - yoffset) can be used for drawing. 
	Return yoffset"
	| yoffset randomLabel |
	yoffset _ majorTickLength abs + 2.
		ifNotNil: [randomLabel _ StringMorph contents: 'Foo'.
					yoffset _ yoffset + randomLabel height + 2].
		ifNotNil: [randomLabel _ StringMorph contents: '50'.
					yoffset _ yoffset + randomLabel height + 2].
	^ yoffset! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:16'!
handlesMouseDown: evt 
	handlesMouseFlag isNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
	 ^ handlesMouseFlag.! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:15'!
handlesMouseFlag: aBoolean
	handlesMouseFlag _ aBoolean.! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 23:16'!
model: anObject 
	"Set my model and make me me a dependent of the given object."
	model ifNotNil: [model removeDependent: self].
	anObject ifNotNil: [anObject addDependent: self].
	model _ anObject! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 14:59'!
rectsAbove: aBoolean
	rectsAbove _ aBoolean.! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 23:17'!
update: someArgs 
	"Transcript show: 'In ArrayScaleMorph>>update:, numArgs is ', someArgs 
	size asString,	 
	someArgs first, someArgs third asString; cr."
	someArgs first = #stopSlider ifTrue: [self stop: someArgs third + 1].
	someArgs first = #startSlider ifTrue: [self start: someArgs third]! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 17:25'!
	"morphic stuff here"
	| scale x1 y1 y2 x ta tb xa xb t tickMorph tickStart tickStop startNum offSet yoffset captionMorph yyoffset |
	self removeAllMorphs.
	yyoffset _ 2.
			[captionMorph _ StringMorph contents: caption.
				ifTrue: [yoffset _ majorTickLength abs + captionMorph height + 7]
					[yoffset _ 2.
					yyoffset _ yyoffset + captionMorph height].
			captionMorph align: captionMorph bounds bottomCenter with: self bounds bottomCenter - (0 @ yoffset).
			self addMorph: captionMorph].
	labelsAbove ifTrue: [yyoffset _ yyoffset + 2 + majorTickLength abs].
	start >= stop ifTrue: [^ self].
	scale _ self innerBounds width - 1 / (stop - start) asFloat.
	x1 _ self innerBounds left.
	y1 _ self innerBounds bottom - yyoffset.
	y2 _ y1 - (1.5 * majorTickLength).
	1 to: labelCollection size do: 
		[:v | 
		ta _ boundaryCollection at: v.
		tb _ boundaryCollection at: v + 1.
		ta > stop | (tb < start)
				[ta < start
						[xa _ x1.
						tickStart _ start]
						[xa _ x1 + (scale * (ta - start)).
						tickStart _ ta].
				tb > stop
						[xb _ self innerBounds right.
						tickStop _ stop]
						[xb _ x1 + (scale * (tb - start)).
						tickStop _ tb].
				t _ xa + xb.
				x _ t / 2.0.
				xb - xa > 50
						[tickMorph _ StringMorph contents: (labelCollection at: v).
						tickMorph align: tickMorph bounds bottomCenter with: x @ (y1 - 1).
						tickMorph left < self left ifTrue: [tickMorph position: self left @ tickMorph top].
						tickMorph right > self right ifTrue: [tickMorph position: self right - tickMorph width @ tickMorph top].
						self addMorph: tickMorph].
				"Range labels (months) filled in. Do individual days if total   
				       range is small enough"
				stop - start < 50
						["Draw individual dates in, instead of just months"
						x _ x1 + (scale / 2.0).
						"(tickStart = start) ifFalse: ["
						offSet _ tickStart - start.
						x _ x + (scale * offSet).
						startNum _ tickStart - ta + 1.
						tickStart to: tickStop - 1 do: 
							[:q | 
							tickMorph _ StringMorph contents: startNum printString.
							tickMorph align: tickMorph bounds bottomCenter with: x @ y2.
							self addMorph: tickMorph.
							startNum _ startNum + 1.
							x _ x + scale
	self drawStories! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 15:58'!
drawMajorTicksOn: aCanvas 
	| scale x1 y1 y2 x loopStart ytop yup yoffset randomLabel |
	start >= stop ifTrue: [^ self].
	"First draw minor ticks"
	scale _ self innerBounds width - 1 / (stop - start) asFloat.
	majorTickLength < 0
		ifTrue: [yoffset _ majorTickLength abs + 1]
		ifFalse: [yoffset _ 1].
		ifNotNil: [captionAbove
					[randomLabel _ StringMorph contents: 'Foo'.
					yoffset _ yoffset + randomLabel height + 2]].
		ifNotNil: [labelsAbove
					[randomLabel _ StringMorph contents: '50'.
					yoffset _ yoffset + randomLabel height + 2]].
	x1 _ self innerBounds left.
	y1 _ self innerBounds bottom - yoffset.
	y2 _ y1 - majorTickLength.
	ytop _ self innerBounds top.
	"Now draw major ticks on boundaries"
	boundaryCollection do: [:num | num > start & (num < stop)
				[x _ x1 + (scale * (num - start)).
					line: x @ y1
					to: x @ y2
					width: 1
					color: Color black]].
	scale _ self innerBounds width - 1 / (stop - start) asFloat.
	x1 _ self innerBounds left.
	y1 _ self innerBounds bottom.
	yup _ y1 - 30.
	y2 _ y1 - majorTickLength.
	stop - start < 50
			[loopStart _ (start / minorTick) ceiling * minorTick.
				to: stop
				by: minorTick
					[:v | 
					x _ x1 + (scale * (v - start)).
						line: x @ yup
						to: x @ ytop
						width: 1
						color: Color white]]! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 15:47'!
drawOn: aCanvas 
	self drawRectsOn: aCanvas.
	self drawTicksOn: aCanvas! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 16:18'!
drawRectsOn: aCanvas 
	| scale x1 x loopStart rect ytop yup ta tb xa xb vmod ybot offset |
	rectColors isNil ifTrue: [^ self].
	rectColors size < 2 ifTrue: [^ self].
	start >= stop ifTrue: [^ self].
		frameAndFillRectangle: self bounds
		fillColor: color
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	scale _ self innerBounds width - 1 / (stop - start) asFloat.
	offset _ self findOffset.
	x1 _ self innerBounds left.
	yup _ self innerBounds bottom - offset.
	"y2 _ y1 + minorTickLength."
	ytop _ self innerBounds top.
	ybot _ self innerBounds bottom.
	scale _ self innerBounds width - 1 / (stop - start) asFloat.
	x1 _ self innerBounds left.
	"y1 _ self innerBounds bottom.
	yup _ y1 - 30.
	y2 _ y1 - majorTickLength."
	1 to: labelCollection size do: 
		[:v | 
		ta _ boundaryCollection at: v.
		tb _ boundaryCollection at: v + 1.
		ta > stop | (tb < start)
				["self halt."
				ta < start
					ifTrue: [xa _ x1]
					ifFalse: [xa _ x1 + (scale * (ta - start))].
				tb > stop
					ifTrue: [xb _ self innerBounds right]
					ifFalse: [xb _ x1 + (scale * (tb - start))].
					ifTrue: [rect _ Rectangle origin: xa @ ytop corner: xb @ yup]
					ifFalse: [rect _ Rectangle origin: xa @ yup corner: xb @ ybot].
				vmod _ v \\ rectColors size.
				vmod = 0 ifTrue: [vmod _ rectColors size].
				aCanvas fillRectangle: rect color: (rectColors at: vmod)]].
	stop - start < 50
			[loopStart _ (start / minorTick) ceiling * minorTick.
				to: stop
				by: minorTick
					[:v | 
					x _ x1 + (scale * (v - start)).
						line: x @ yup
						to: x @ ytop
						width: 1
						color: Color white]]! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 14:34'!
setBoundary: bCollection andLabels: lCollection 
	self setBoundary: bCollection andLabels: lCollection andColors: nil.
	! !

!ArrayScale methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 15:50'!
setBoundary: bCollection andLabels: lCollection andColors: colorCollection 
	boundaryCollection _ bCollection.
	labelCollection _ lCollection.
	rectColors _ colorCollection.
	rectsAbove _ true.
		start: bCollection first
		stop: bCollection last
		minorTick: 1
		minorTickLength: 3
		majorTick: 10
		majorTickLength: -10.
	" tickPrintBlock isn't used, but I need to make room for labels"
	self tickPrintBlock: [:v | v asString].
	self labelsAbove: false! !

Model subclass: #RangeSlider
	instanceVariableNames: 'begin end oldBegin oldEnd minValue maxValue delta midValue roundTo target actionSelector actionBlock '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'RangeSlider'!
!RangeSlider commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I am the model for the RangeSliderMorph. I hold minValue, begin, end, and maxValue and enforce minValue <= begin < end <= maxValue. I also have a roundTo parameter so I can be used for discrete stepping. If there is a target I send actionSelector to target with the value of a codeblock taking 2 arguments, begin and end.!

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/13/2000 14:41'!
	^ begin.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 21:10'!
begin: newNumber 
	| aNumber |
	roundTo isNil
		ifTrue: [aNumber _ newNumber]
		ifFalse: [aNumber _ newNumber roundTo: roundTo].
	aNumber < minValue
		ifFalse: [aNumber > (maxValue - delta)
					[begin _ aNumber.
					begin > (end - delta) ifTrue: [end _ begin + delta]]].
	self notifyTarget.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:34'!
	^ ( (begin - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue) ) asFloat.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:41'!
beginAsRatio: aNumber 
	self begin: aNumber * self range + self minValue! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/13/2000 14:44'!
	^ end.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 21:10'!
end: newNumber 
	| aNumber |
	roundTo isNil
		ifTrue: [aNumber _ newNumber]
		ifFalse: [aNumber _ newNumber roundTo: roundTo].
	aNumber < (minValue - delta)
		ifFalse: [aNumber > maxValue
					[end _ aNumber.
					end < (begin + delta) ifTrue: [begin _ end - delta]]].
	self notifyTarget.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:34'!
	^ ( (end - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue) ) asFloat.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:39'!
endAsRatio: aNumber 
	self end: (aNumber * self range) + self minValue.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 15:11'!
	minValue _ 0.0.
	maxValue _ 100.0.
	begin _ 0.0.
	end _ 100.0.
	delta _ 0.01.
	! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 17:52'!
	^ maxValue! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:52'!
maxValue: aNumber 
	maxValue _ aNumber.
	end _ aNumber.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:58'!
midValue: aNumber 
	midValue _ aNumber* self range..
	oldBegin _ begin.
	oldEnd _ end! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 17:53'!
	^ minValue! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:52'!
minValue: aNumber 
	minValue _ aNumber.
	begin _ aNumber.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 21:11'!
moveTo: aRatio 
	| offset aNumber tempOffset |
	aNumber _ aRatio * self range.
	tempOffset _ aNumber - midValue.
	roundTo isNil
		ifTrue: [offset _ tempOffset]
		ifFalse: [offset _ tempOffset roundTo: roundTo].
	"Check to make sure don't run off edge"
	oldBegin + offset < minValue ifTrue: [offset _ minValue - oldBegin].
	oldEnd + offset > maxValue ifTrue: [offset _ maxValue - oldEnd].
	begin _ oldBegin + offset.
	end _ oldEnd + offset.
	self notifyTarget.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 18:21'!
	|  begString endString string args |
	((target isNil or: [actionSelector isNil])
		or: [actionBlock isNil])
			[args _ Array with: begin with: end.
			string _ actionBlock valueWithArguments: args.
			target perform: actionSelector with: string]! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:40'!
	^ maxValue - minValue.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:51'!
	^ roundTo.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 15:12'!
roundTo: aNumber 
	roundTo _ aNumber.
	delta_ aNumber.! !

!RangeSlider methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/16/2000 18:01'!
target: aMorph withSelector: action andBlock: aBlock
	target _ aMorph.
	actionSelector _ action.
	actionBlock _ aBlock.! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

RangeSlider class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!RangeSlider class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 11:59'!
	^ super new initialize.! !

BorderedMorph subclass: #RangeSliderMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'frame begSlider endSlider midSlider rangeSlider scale trough begSliderShadow endSliderShadow midSliderShadow sliderColor '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'RangeSlider'!
!RangeSliderMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I am a RangeSliderMorph. I am used to specify two values, and my semantics are all values between the high and low values. My model is a RangeSlider which enforces 
[minimumValue <= lowValue <= highValue <= maximumValue]. I can accept a ScaleMorph as a subMorph.!

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:36'!
	| col vertices |
	col _ OrderedCollection new.
	col add: 10 @ 0;
	 add: 10 @ 35;
	 add: 0 @ 25;
	 add: 0 @ 3;
	 add: 1 @ 1;
	 add: 3 @ 0.
	vertices _ Array newFrom: col.
	begSlider _ SmallPolygonMorph
				vertices: vertices
				color: Color gray
				borderWidth: 2
				borderColor: #raised.
	"begSlider position: 110 @ 95.   
	begSliderShadow _ SliderHandle new.   
	begSliderShadow position: 110 @ 100."
	begSliderShadow _ SmallPolygonMorph
				vertices: vertices
				color: Color gray
				borderWidth: 1
				borderColor: #inset.
		on: #mouseStillDown
		send: #scrollAbsolute:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #begin.
		on: #mouseDown
		send: #mouseDownInSlider:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #begin.
		on: #mouseUp
		send: #mouseUpInSlider:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #begin.
	"begSlider setBorderWidth: 1 borderColor: #raised. 
	begSliderShadow setBorderWidth: 1 borderColor: #inset."
	"(the shadow must have the pagingArea as its owner to highlight          
	"self pagingArea addMorph: sliderShadow."
	self addMorph: begSliderShadow.
	begSliderShadow hide.
	self addMorph: begSlider.
	self computeBegSlider! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 15:40'!
	| col vertices |
	col _ OrderedCollection new.
	col add: 0 @ 0;
	 add: 0 @ 35;
	 add: 10 @ 25;
	 add: 10 @ 3;
	 add: 9 @ 1;
	 add: 7 @ 0.
	vertices _ Array newFrom: col.
	endSlider _ SmallPolygonMorph
				vertices: vertices
				color: Color gray
				borderWidth: 2
				borderColor: #raised.
	endSliderShadow _ SmallPolygonMorph
				vertices: vertices
				color: Color gray
				borderWidth: 1
				borderColor: #inset.
		on: #mouseStillDown
		send: #scrollAbsolute:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #end.
		on: #mouseDown
		send: #mouseDownInSlider:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #end.
		on: #mouseUp
		send: #mouseUpInSlider:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #end.
	"endSlider setBorderWidth: 1 borderColor: #raised.  
	endSliderShadow setBorderWidth: 1 borderColor: #inset."
	"(the shadow must have the pagingArea as its owner to highlight          
	"self pagingArea addMorph: sliderShadow."
	self addMorph: endSliderShadow.
	endSliderShadow hide.
	self addMorph: endSlider.
	self computeEndSlider.! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:36'!
	midSlider _ RectangleMorph newBounds: self trough innerBounds color: Color lightGray.
	midSliderShadow _ RectangleMorph newBounds: midSlider bounds color: self color.
		on: #mouseStillDown
		send: #scrollAbsolute:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #mid.
		on: #mouseDown
		send: #mouseDownInSlider:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #mid.
		on: #mouseUp
		send: #mouseUpInSlider:whichMorph:flag:
		to: self
		withValue: #mid.
	midSlider setBorderWidth: 1 borderColor: #raised.
	midSliderShadow setBorderWidth: 1 borderColor: #inset.
	"(the shadow must have the pagingArea as its owner to highlight          
	self addMorph: midSliderShadow.
	midSliderShadow hide.
	self addMorph: midSlider.
	self computeMidSlider! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:35'!
	super initialize.
	rangeSlider _ RangeSlider new.
	bounds _ 0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 50.
	color _ Color transparent.
	borderWidth _ 0.
	trough _ RectangleMorph new.
	trough bounds: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 10).
	trough color: Color gray.
	trough borderWidth: 1.
	trough borderColor: #inset.
	self addMorph: trough.
	self initializeMidSlider.
	self initializeBegSlider.
	self initializeEndSlider.
	self openInWorld! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:35'!
openAsMorphFromScale: aScale
	| newExtent |
	"Take the scale submorph as input and build myself around it."
	super initialize.
	scale _ aScale.
	rangeSlider _ RangeSlider new minValue: aScale start; maxValue: aScale stop.
	newExtent _ (scale extent) max: (100@ 50).
	Transcript show: scale extent asString, ' ', newExtent asString; cr.
	bounds _ scale position corner: (scale position + newExtent).
	color _ Color transparent.
	borderWidth _ 0.
	trough _ RectangleMorph new.
	trough bounds: (aScale position corner: newExtent x @ 10).
	trough color: Color gray.
	trough borderWidth: 1.
	trough borderColor: #inset.
	self addMorph: scale.
	self addMorph: trough.
	self initializeMidSlider.
	self initializeBegSlider.
	self initializeEndSlider.
	"(scale extent = self extent ) ifFalse:[self extent: self extent]."
	self extent: self extent.
	self openInWorld! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:32'!
setRoundTo: aNumber
	rangeSlider roundTo: aNumber.! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 10:53'!
	sliderColor ifNil: [^ Color veryLightGray].
	^ sliderColor! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 10:53'!
sliderColor: newColor 
	sliderColor _ newColor! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 11:23'!
	^ bounds isWide
		ifTrue: [self sliderThickness @ self innerBounds height]
		ifFalse: [self innerBounds width @ self sliderThickness]! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:29'!
	^ 10! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:29'!
	^ self trough innerBounds! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/15/2000 11:27'!
	^ trough.! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'scrolling' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:19'!
mouseDownInSlider: event whichMorph: aMorph flag: aSymbol 
	| r p |
	aMorph color: self sliderColor lighter.
	aSymbol = #begin
			[begSliderShadow bounds: begSlider bounds.
			begSliderShadow show].
	aSymbol = #end
			[endSliderShadow bounds: endSlider bounds.
			endSliderShadow show].
	aSymbol = #mid
			[r _ self roomToMove.
			bounds isWide
				ifTrue: [r width = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]]
				ifFalse: [r height = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]].
			p _ event targetPoint adhereTo: r.
			rangeSlider midValue: (p x - r left) asFloat / r width.
			midSliderShadow bounds: midSlider bounds.
			midSliderShadow show.
			begSliderShadow bounds: begSlider bounds.
			begSliderShadow show.
			endSliderShadow bounds: endSlider bounds.
			endSliderShadow show]! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'scrolling' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 18:26'!
mouseUpInSlider: event whichMorph: aMorph flag: aSymbol 
	aMorph color: self sliderColor.
	aSymbol = #begin ifTrue: [begSliderShadow hide].
	aSymbol = #end ifTrue: [endSliderShadow hide].
	aSymbol = #mid ifTrue: [midSliderShadow hide.
					begSliderShadow hide.
					endSliderShadow hide.].! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'scrolling' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:22'!
moveMiddleBy: aValue 
	"Drive the slider position externally..."
	rangeSlider moveTo: aValue.
	self computeSliders! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'scrolling' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 12:30'!
scrollAbsolute: event whichMorph: aMorph flag: aSymbol 
	"self halt."
	| r p shiftRect |
	r _ self roomToMove.
	bounds isWide
		ifTrue: [r width = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]]
		ifFalse: [r height = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]].
	p _ event targetPoint adhereTo: r.
	aSymbol = #begin ifTrue: [self setBegValue: (bounds isWide
					[shiftRect _ Rectangle origin: r left - begSlider width @ r top corner: r corner.
					p _ event targetPoint adhereTo: shiftRect.
					(p x - r left + begSlider width) asFloat / r width]
				ifFalse: [
shiftRect _ Rectangle origin: r left width @ r top  - begSlider corner: r corner.
					p _ event targetPoint adhereTo: shiftRect.
(p y - r top) asFloat / r height + begSlider width])].
	aSymbol = #end ifTrue: [self setEndValue: (bounds isWide
				ifTrue: [(p x - r left) asFloat / r width]
				ifFalse: [(p y - r top) asFloat / r height])].
	aSymbol = #mid ifTrue: [self moveMiddleBy: (bounds isWide
				ifTrue: [(p x - r left) asFloat / r width]
				ifFalse: [(p y - r top) asFloat / r height])]! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:19'!
setTarget: aMorph withSelector: action andBlock: aBlock 
		target: aMorph
		withSelector: action
		andBlock: aBlock! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:23'!
	| r value |
	r _ self roomToMove.
	value _ rangeSlider beginAsRatio.
	begSlider position: (bounds isWide
			ifTrue: [r topLeft + ((r width * value) asInteger @ 0) - (begSlider bounds width @ 5)]
			ifFalse: [r topLeft + (0 @ (r height * value) asInteger) - (5 @ begSlider bounds height)])! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:22'!
	| r value |
	r _ self roomToMove.
	value _ rangeSlider endAsRatio.
	endSlider position: (bounds isWide
			ifTrue: [r topLeft + ((r width * value) asInteger @ 0) - (1 @ 5)]
			ifFalse: [r topLeft + (0 @ (r height * value) asInteger) - (5 @ 1)])! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:22'!
	| r begValue endValue |
	r _ self roomToMove.
	begValue _ rangeSlider beginAsRatio.
	midSlider position: (bounds isWide
			ifTrue: [r topLeft + ((r width * begValue) asInteger @ 0)]
			ifFalse: [r topLeft + (0 @ (r height * begValue) asInteger)]).
	endValue _ rangeSlider endAsRatio.
	midSlider extent: (bounds isWide
			ifTrue: [(r width * (endValue - begValue)) asInteger @ trough innerBounds height]
			ifFalse: [trough innerBounds width @ (r height * (endValue - begValue)) asInteger])! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 18:20'!
	self computeMidSlider.
	self computeEndSlider.
	self computeBegSlider.! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 16:05'!
extent: proposedExtent 
	| x y newExtent |
	scale isNil
		ifTrue: [newExtent _ proposedExtent]
		ifFalse: [newExtent _ scale checkExtent: proposedExtent].
	super extent: newExtent + (5 @ 5).
	x _ newExtent x.
	y _ (newExtent y / 5) asInteger.
	trough extent: x @ y.
	midSlider height: trough innerBounds height.
	y _ (newExtent y * 7 / 10) asInteger.
	x _ 10 max: (y / 5) asInteger.
	begSlider extent: x @ y.
	begSliderShadow extent: x @ y.
	endSlider extent: x @ y.
	endSliderShadow extent: x @ y.
	scale isNil
		ifFalse: [ scale extent: proposedExtent ].
	self computeSliders! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 12:00'!
	| rect |
	"rect _ self totalSliderArea.
	^ Rectangle origin: rect left - 10 @ rect top corner: rect corner"
	^ self totalSliderArea! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'submorphs-accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:19'!
begValue: newValue 
	"Drive the slider position externally..."
	rangeSlider beginAsRatio: newValue.
	self computeSliders! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'submorphs-accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:19'!
endValue: newValue 
	"Drive the slider position externally..."
	rangeSlider endAsRatio: newValue.
	self computeSliders! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'submorphs-accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 14:31'!
setBegValue: newValue 
	"Called internally for propagation to model"
	self begValue: newValue! !

!RangeSliderMorph methodsFor: 'submorphs-accessing' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 15:41'!
setEndValue: newValue 
	"Called internally for propagation to model"
	self endValue: newValue! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

RangeSliderMorph class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!RangeSliderMorph class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:34'!
	^ self new openAsMorph! !

!RangeSliderMorph class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 14:32'!
	^ self new openAsMorph! !

!RangeSliderMorph class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:44'!
	| myInst string scale dayBounds months colors |

	dayBounds _ OrderedCollection new.
	months _ OrderedCollection new.
	colors _ OrderedCollection new.
	dayBounds add: 1;
	 	add: 31;
		add: 59;
		add: 90;
		add: 120;
		add: 151;
		add: 181.
	months add: 'January';
		add: 'February';
		add: 'March';
		add: 'April';
		add: 'May';
		add: 'June'.
	colors add: Color lightBlue; add: Color lightYellow.
	scale _ (ArrayScale new setBoundary: dayBounds andLabels: months andColors: colors)
				bounds: (30 @ 30 corner: 400 @ 90).
	scale labelsAbove: false; rectsAbove: false.

	myInst _ RangeSliderMorph new openAsMorphFromScale:scale.

	string _ (StringMorph contents: 'Calendar') position: 150 @ 150;
		setTarget: string
		withSelector: #contents:
			[:a :b | | date dd1 dd2 |
			date _ Date newDay: 365 year: 1998.
			dd1 _ date addDays: a asInteger.
			dd2 _ date addDays: b asInteger.
			'From ' , dd1 monthName , ' ' , dd1 dayOfMonth asString , ' to ' , dd2 				monthName , ' ' , dd2 dayOfMonth asString, ' ', dd2 year asString].
	^ myInst! !

!RangeSliderMorph class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'RCS 3/17/2000 21:33'!
	| scale myInst string |
	scale _ (ScaleMorph new
				start: 100000
				stop: 600000
				minorTick: 10000
				minorTickLength: 2
				majorTick: 100000
				majorTickLength: 10
				caption: nil
				tickPrintBlock: [:v | '$' , v asString]
				labelsAbove: false
				captionAbove: false) bounds: (10 @ 50 corner: 200 @ 100);
			 color: Color veryVeryLightGray; labelsAbove: false.

	myInst _ RangeSliderMorph new openAsMorphFromScale:scale.
	myInst setRoundTo: 20000.

	string _ (StringMorph contents: 'Houses') position: 150 @ 150;
		setTarget: string
		withSelector: #contents:
			[:a :b | 'Houses from $', a asInteger asString, ' to $', b asInteger asString.].
	^ myInst! !

PolygonMorph subclass: #SmallPolygonMorph
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'RangeSlider'!
!SmallPolygonMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I am a basic PolygonMorph without a minimum size hardcoded in #extent:!

!SmallPolygonMorph methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RCS 3/14/2000 23:21'!
extent: newExtent 
		"Override extent: in parent to get rid of 20 at 20 minimum size"
	self setVertices: (vertices collect: [:p | p - bounds topLeft * (newExtent asFloatPoint / (bounds extent max: 1 @ 1)) + bounds topLeft])! !

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