[FIX?] FileDirectory 'testing'

Stephan Rudlof sr at evolgo.de
Mon May 8 16:23:50 UTC 2000


this fix works under Unix, but it has to be checked for other platforms,
therefore the '?' in '[FIX?]'...



"Change Set:		Fix_FileDirectory_testing
Date:			8 May 2000
Author:			Stephan Rudlof

Makes FileDirectory>>directoryExists: and
FileDirectory>>fileOrDirectoryExists: correctly working for slash
trailing absolute paths.

Fix works under Unix, has to be checked for other platforms.

FileDirectory default directoryExists: '/tmp/' false
FileDirectory default fileOrDirectoryExists: '/tmp/' false

After fix:
FileDirectory default directoryExists: '/tmp/' true
FileDirectory default fileOrDirectoryExists: '/tmp/'  true

Under Unix there seems to be no problem for FileDirectory 'file
operations' methods to deal with slash ending paths, so the arguments
given to 'testing' methods could be used directly.

Not tested under other platforms!
Stephan Rudlof (sr at evolgo.de)
   "Genius doesn't work on an assembly line basis.
    You can't simply say, 'Today I will be brilliant.'"
    -- Kirk, "The Ultimate Computer", stardate 4731.3
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