Who stepped on my WatchMorph? (was Re: [ENH] Antialiased Watch)

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Sat May 20 19:06:37 UTC 2000

On Sat, 20 May 2000, Henrik Gedenryd wrote:

> Am I the only one who thinks the outline circle is somewhat less than
> round?

Nope, I saw it. I still think it's cool, and now that we have an
application it hopefully will get fixed ;-)

> This happens for the non-antialiased version too.

It should not happen with a solid fill. If you're using a gradient or
antialiasing, then balloon drawing takes over and renders the oval as
bezier segments. But the control points seem to have rounding errors
(while the interpolation still works). This gives that interesting wiggly
look :-)

-- Bert

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