[ENH] BrowserWithDragAndDrop (> Take a look! <)

Stephan Rudlof sr at evolgo.de
Sat May 6 06:53:06 UTC 2000


I wrote:
> Jerry,
> JArchibald at aol.com wrote:
> >
> > 5.) Certain methods from this ChangeSet have 'color' annotations (even when
> > in MVC project). E.g.,
> > Browser>>changeCategoryForClass:srcSystemCategory:atListMorph:internal:copy:
> > (and several others) but most do not. What is the history of these methods
> > that they have such colorings, and other methods do not? (sorry if this is
> > common knowledge for others, perhaps minimal familiarity on my part with
> > tools available in Morphic inspires this question).
> There is a principle difference between drag&drop *between* two browsers
> in *different* windows and drag&drop *inside* one browser in *one*
> window.
> Coloring is made only for dragging *inside* *one* browser.

I was not correct here. Choosing an item besides the selected one is
only possible *inside* *one* browser and  visualized by the
corresponding magenta coloring. But if the drop action has been
successful this will be shown in the target browser - if or if not the
same as the source browser - at the logical drop position (blue if
successful, may change). (To others: don't worry, it isn't complicated,
just try it out.)

> While
> selecting an item in a PluggableTextMorph the browser window containing
> it needs the mouse focus, which is the window where the drag starts.
> If there is a drag between *different* browser windows, the already
> *selected* systemCategory/class/messageCategory in the target browser
> window is the target.
> Background: I've found it useful to enable to drag&drop e.g. one method
> after each other from one classCategory to another *inside* one browser,
> without changing the source category. But how to visualize a successful
> drag: by coloring the list item without selecting it!

One color for choosing the item to drop onto, another for visualization
of a successful drop operation.

> But if you drag&drop something into another browser window, you have
> mouse focus and the dragged thing selected there, what seems to be
> another useful variant.


Stephan Rudlof (sr at evolgo.de)
   "Genius doesn't work on an assembly line basis.
    You can't simply say, 'Today I will be brilliant.'"
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