[BUG][FIX?] FileDirectory

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Sun May 7 17:01:05 UTC 2000

On Sun, 7 May 2000, Stephan Rudlof wrote:

> this is a fix for very platform specific stuff, so it has to be checked
> if it works under other platforms as Unix, too.

before fixing stuff, you should update to the latest changes. This was
fixed in #2032 (your latest update seems to be #1974!). For a longer
description, see http://swiki.gsug.org:8080/sqfixes/611.html

"Change Set:		FileDir-bf
Date:			22 March 2000
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

Enforces the absoluteness of FileDirectories for Windows. Also corrects
FileDirclass>>splitName:to:, for the DOS 'C:' case (which makes the
specialized fullNameFor: method obsolete) and for the Unix '/foo' case.

sma added support for Windows UNC names, i.e. \\magus\dev\dir\file.txt"

-- Bert

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