[updates] 6 more

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Thu May 25 18:24:38 UTC 2000

Folks -

herewith a few recent updates a couple of which are fairly important fixes.
Thanks for your contributions.

	- Dan
2205BBPrimFix-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 23 May 2000
Fixes a problem in the display character primitive."

2206SocketPluginFix-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 24 May 2000
The pluginization of sockets split the #listenOn: and #listenOn:backlogSize: into two separate primitives. Unfortunately, this doesn't quite work. The change set introduces a compatibility primitive for the socket plugin which is used for the (pre 2.8) indexed primitive references to either version of the two." 


2208gifFix-bf -- Bert Freudenberg -- 25 May 2000 
Makes GIF reading return forms only as deep as the file (was 8 always). Also fixes printing named colors to always use Color (was printing 'TransparentColor translucent'). Also fixes ColorForm>>storeOn: (parantheses were missing)."

2209fileIntoNewChangeSet -- Jim Heyne -- 24 May 2000
A recent change to FileList>>fileIntoNewChangeSet names the resulting change set with the full path of the file, not just the file name.  This is not too bad, but if the path includes a period, the name is truncated by a subsequent call to #sansPeriodSuffix -- and all changes loaded from that path are given the same name!
This amends FileList>>fileIntoNewChangeSet to use only the fileName (sans path) as the name of the change set.

2210NoSourcesFix -- Dan Ingalls -- 25 May 2000
Generalizes the handling of the source code trailer on methods so that, eg, recompilations work properly after abandonSources.  Note that fileIn order is important in this change set."

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