[BUG][FIX] Re: Bad-Bad Browser Drag-n-Drop Bug

Michael Rueger m.rueger at acm.org
Sat May 20 02:07:14 UTC 2000

Mark Mayfield wrote:
> If you have edited some text in the browser and click in the class
> list or method list you will be prompted if is OK to cancel those
> changes. If you choose NO...too late...the changes are canceled and
> you left holding the text of the item you clicked on in the list box.

Oops, my messing around with Stephans stuff caused this.

The attached change set should fix this.


-------------- next part --------------

!PluggableListMorph methodsFor: 'events' stamp: 'mir 5/19/2000 19:04'!
mouseDown: event onItem: aMorph
	| now delta |

	event yellowButtonPressed ifTrue: [^ self yellowButtonActivity: event shiftPressed].
	now _ Time millisecondClockValue.
	delta _ ((lastClickTime ifNil: [0]) - now) abs.
	lastClickTime _ now.

	self setProperty: #okToChange toValue: true.

	(aMorph == selectedMorph and: [doubleClickSelector notNil and: [delta < DoubleClickTime]])
			[model perform: doubleClickSelector]
			[model okToChange ifFalse: [
				self setProperty: #okToChange toValue: false.
				^ self].  "No change if model is locked"
			((autoDeselect == nil or: [autoDeselect]) and: [aMorph == selectedMorph])
				ifTrue: [self setSelectedMorph: nil]
				ifFalse: [self setSelectedMorph: aMorph]]! !

!PluggableListMorph methodsFor: 'events' stamp: 'mir 5/19/2000 19:03'!
mouseStillDown: evt onItem: item 
	| dist |
	(self valueOfProperty: #okToChange) ~~ true
		ifTrue: [^self].
	evt redButtonPressed
			[dist _ (evt targetPoint - item position) abs.
			(dist x max: dist y)
				> 5
					[self drag: evt itemMorph: item]]! !

!PluggableListMorph methodsFor: 'events' stamp: 'mir 5/19/2000 19:05'!
mouseMove: evt
	(evt yellowButtonPressed  not "First check for option (menu) click"
		and: [(self valueOfProperty: #okToChange) == true])
		ifTrue: [self setSelectedMorph: nil.]
	! !

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