[BUG] DSA failure in LargePositiveInteger in #new: <primitive: 71>

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Tue May 30 15:54:10 UTC 2000

On Tue, 30 May 2000 09:58:42 EDT JArchibald at aol.com wrote:
>See if you can evaluate 'DigitalSignatureAlgorithm generateKeySet'; MVC or 


Here is at least part of the answer. Inspect the following:

zz _ LargePositiveInteger new: 1.
zz digitAt: 1 put: 1.
a _ zz = 1. 
b _ zz printString. 
c _ zz = 1. 
{a. b. c}

As far back as Squeak 2.5, I get (true '1' false ). The gotcha here is that LargeIntegers are assumed (in #printOn:base:, anyway) to have more than one digit. If not, then some destructive operations happen on the receiver (zz in this case). Where else this happens, I couldn't say. Why this seems to be different with/without the LargeIntegers plugin is, I suspect, that results of operations may be converted to SmallIntegers in one case and remain as LargeIntegers in another. These "short" LargeIntegers seem to be cropping up when DSA fails.


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