[BUG] Empty Stream on Wonderland

Igor Heidrich igor at inf.ufsc.br
Thu May 25 19:06:24 UTC 2000

	Hi all,

	Trying to run 'Wonderland new' in version 2.8 Beta, an error 
occur with an empty stream vtx.
	The following modifications of the sketchOn: method in
WonderlandCameraMorph resolve(????) the problem. 

WonderlandCameraMorph sketchOn: aCanvas
| vtx prev next |

vtx _ ReadStream on: self outline vertices.
(vtx atEnd) ifFalse:[
	prev _ vtx next.
	[vtx atEnd] whileFalse: [
		next _ vtx next.
		aCanvas line: prev to: next width: 5 color: Color red.
			prev _ next]]

	I'm don't know the consequences of do that... but work fine. ;-}

		Igor Heidrich
		igor at inf.ufsc.br

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