[ENH] String>>findBetweenSubStrs: comment (was Re: [ADDITION] String >> subStrings:)

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at atlas.otago.ac.nz
Thu Nov 16 00:11:11 UTC 2000

Doug Way <dway at riskmetrics.com> wrote:
	It hadn't even occured to me that either method would accept a
	collection of strings.  In my defense, the comment for
	findBetweenSubStrs:  is very unclear about what exactly is expected as a

The method comment says

    findBetweenSubStrs: delimiters
       "Answer the collection of tokens that result from parsing self.
	Tokens are separated by substrings,
	as listed in the Array delimiters."

It looks very much as though it wants an Array of strings, no?
That certainly won't mislead, because an Array of strings works.
There's a bunch of methods in Squeak's String class that take the
same kind of parameter.  Look in

    skipAnySubStr: delimiters startingAt: start
       "Answer the index of the last character within the receiver,
        starting at start, that does NOT match one of the delimiters.
        delimiters is a (sic!) Array of substrings (Characters also
        allowed).  If the receiver is all delimiters, answer size + 1."

In fact *this* comment is not unclear, it's wrong.  It doesn't answer
the index of the *last* non-delimiter character, it answers the index
of the *first* such character.  For example,
	'abc' skipAnySubStr: {','} startingAt: 1
answers 1, not 3.  Both comments are misleading.  Any collection (such
as an OrderedCollection) will do just fine.

	#findBetweenSubStrs:  expects either a collection of Characters,
	or a collection of Strings.  It does barf if you pass it a single
	Character, which is probably good.
In fact it expects a collection of (Characters or Strings); some elements
might be Characters and other elements might be Strings.

It looks as though the method comments for all these methods could do with

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