Distributed Objects - Remote Message Passing

ajh18 at cornell.edu ajh18 at cornell.edu
Thu Nov 16 17:09:55 UTC 2000

Hello All,
	I have found three different packages that do Remote Message Passing
(Distributed Objects or RMI) in Squeak.  Two of them are linked off the
swiki page called "Fly-By-Wire"
(http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/684).  The link to the first package
is broken and the second link points to a package by Lex Spoon from June
1999.  The third package is from a squeak list announcement from Johan
Fabry in September 2000 (http://www.egroups.com/message/squeak/20190).
	Does anyone have any opinions on which one I should use?  And Johan,
why did you not use Lex's package?
	Keep in mine, I'm just interested in Squeak to Squeak communication,
not SOAP, CORBA or other inter-language communication that has extra
overhead like XML.  It would be nice if we developed one standard way to
do Squeak to Squeak communication.

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