Why bother with an OS on handheld devices?

Aaron J Reichow reic0024 at d.umn.edu
Fri Oct 20 18:52:01 UTC 2000

On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Jay Carlson wrote:

> Ned Konz writes:
> > I don't see that having Linux underneath really helps much. After all,
> > there isn't really anything there except memory, display, keyboard,
> > touch screen and a few ports.
> The same thing is arguably true for the Java-on-handheld-Linux stuff.  See
> pocketlinux.com.

An acursory look at it showed it to be quite slow.  Let's hope it shapes
up a bit.  Perhaps now is our chance to show those Java guys whose boss...

> > No real reason to have, for instance,
> > a file system (especially if you have Squeak!).
> I think you're mostly right, although I can see reasons why you *might* want
> to have files in some cases.

In the current setup, the RAM disk uncompressed from the ROM is a definate
need (for now).

> > Squeak already has a handwriting recognizer built in.
> The recognizer needs a keyboard in order to be trained.  Does anyone have an
> on-screen keyboard for Squeak?

I was thinking about writing a KeyboardMorph.  I've never done any Morphic
programming but conceptually it should be easy (draw it with
GUIConstructor, #onMouseDown pushes the button's text to the frontmost
text view?).  

Some way to turn off the window asking what letter the stroke is supposed
to be and some way to approximate also needs to be implemented.
Currently, it seems to look in the recongnition dictionary for a value
with the key being the the sequence of stroke.  


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