consolidated downloads?

Tim Rowledge tim at
Wed Apr 4 17:49:37 UTC 2001

"Stephen Pair" <spair at> is widely believed to have written:

> It would be nice to have all downloads (stable and alpha) consolidated on
> with the following information:

This exactly the sort of basic help that I would imagine a Squeak
Foundation could provide; Bruce does a sterling job with trying to keep
an up to date version available, but he doesn't have all possible
machines available to test everythng - and I don't imagine he has
infinite time available either. A Foundation might reasonably hope to
have a farm of machinery available for that, and several people
interested in helping Bruce. Likewise, a foundation ought to have some
chance of getting enough support to provide a website with an ISP that
guarantees uptime by backups and redundancy - something a bit more
expensive than a 'normal' hosting deal. Maybe even a seriously hosted
machine for the swiki, so Mark & team don't have to spend so much time
worrying about it.

_I_ think it makes sense, anyway. And you all know that I'm always


Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Structured Programming supports the law of the excluded muddle.

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