[GOODIE] NK-ConnectorsDemo.050.pr on Bob's Super Swiki (added TTF support)

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Wed Apr 4 17:21:24 UTC 2001

I forgot one of the change sets; you can't fully use the TrueType fonts 
without it. Re-posted as NK-ConnectorsDemo.050.pr.

BTW, I've figured out a stopgap way to keep track of a composite Project. In 
the preamble comment, I've put this text that can be evaluated:

| me |
me _ ChangeSorter changeSetNamed: 'NK-ConnectorsDemo'.
#( 'NewConnectors-nk'
'TTFInstallFix-nk' ) do: [ :name | | cs |
	cs _ ChangeSorter changeSetNamed: name.
	me assimilateAllChangesFoundIn: cs ]

Ugly, but it works.

On Wednesday 04 April 2001 10:02, Ned Konz wrote:
> I've just published a new version on Bob's with the following changes:
> * added UML class diagram button bar
> * added more shape constructors, especially for UML shapes.
> * fixed NCConnectorMorph owner logic in cases where both ends connect to
> shapes that are on different playfields
> I'm still looking forward to comments and criticism, as well as suggestions
> and wish-lists.
> I'd like to formally publish the change set(s) soon...

Ned Konz
currently: Stanwood, WA
email:     ned at bike-nomad.com
homepage:  http://bike-nomad.com

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