A still sensible question about _ and :=

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Mon Apr 23 17:15:06 UTC 2001

"Andrew P. Black" wrote:

> First, file names and text files containing _ will print correctly
> inside Squeak.  Second, Squeak fileouts that I include in email and
> on web pages will print correctly, without my painstakingly having to
> replace all of the _ with little arrow.gif pictures!  Third, we will
> be able to interchange code with other Smalltalks more easily -- at
> least they would be able to file Squeak in and massage it into a
> working state.  Fourth, when I make the font size larger to give a
> demo, the code will still have arrows in it on the screen, not
> underscores, which are pretty hard to explain to a not always
> sympathetic audience.
> I think that appearances are important, and this has been bugging me recently.
>         Andrew

Did you look at dandelion ?

It does some pretty cool stuff to output code, so maybe...


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