[updates] 36 for 3.1alpha

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Mon Apr 30 19:06:05 UTC 2001

Folks -

Herewith a bunch of updates from SqC over the last month.

A number of contributions from the list need to be included as well, and we'll try to get to these over the next couple of weeks.

My version of 3.1alpha took these updates just fine, but if you have trouble receiving them, it may help to execute the following which Ted Kaehler sent out a while ago...

	| existing |
	existing _ ChangeSorter allChangeSetNames.
	existing _ existing collect: [:cngSet | cngSet copyReplaceAll: '/' with: '_'].
	existing _ existing collect: [:each | each initialIntegerOrNil].
	(existing select: [:each | each notNil]) asSet do: [:each |
		SystemVersion current registerUpdate: each]

Here are the summaries...

	- Dan
3924UniUpdates-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 11 April 2001
Make both Disney internal updates and External updates come from the same folder in the same server.  When making an update external, we don't have to move the file.  It will keep its same number and name.  Two indexes, updates.list and <prefix>updates.list will be in that directory.
	When the user chooses which 'server group' to fetch updates from, any with a * in its name will use the prefixed updates file.
	When anupdate is broadcast, the user chooses which 'server group' to write to, and any with a * in its name will use the prefixed updates file."

3925MIExtras-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 11 April 2001
Characters respond correctly to clone (^ self).
Move atRandom up to Collection, and define atRandom: in Set also.
Streamline how MethodFinder finds constants for expressions of the type (data1 == 43) or (data1 < 52)."

3926doublePossessive-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 11 April 2001
Allows easy construction of otherwise-awkward 'double-possessive' phrases in classic tiles, by adding a menu-item in the viewer for player-valued slots so that you can directly obtain tile phrases of the form 'holder's playerAtCursor's graphic'.
Also removes a number of methods and does various cleanup in some of the terrain traversed."

3927userDefChgSetCat-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 11 April 2001
Adds the ability to maintain user-defined change-set-categories.  A new item in the change-set-list menu of a change-sorter, 'category functions...', offers the ability to:
	*	Add a new change-set-category
	*	Delete an existing change-set category
	*	Rename an existing change-set category
	*	Add a change set to an existing change-set-category
	*	Delete a change set from an existing change-set-category
Three other recently-added change-set-category-related commands have now also been moved into this new categories submenu.
Also fixes the find-change-set command in change sorters such that it only offers change sets that reside in the current category; this circumvents the former problem that a change sorter could have a selected change set which was not in its list.
Also a couple of further bug fixes and cleanups relating to change-set categories."

3928cruftRemoval-raa -- Bob Arning -- 12 April 2001
removes some unneeded cruft from ButtonProperties"

3929chgSorterSel-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 13 April 2001
Fixes bugs that could leave a change sorter showing classes and methods that were no longer appropriate after certain change-set-category commands."

3930prefJuntaPhaseOne-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 17 April 2001
Phase One of a series of updates that overhaul Preferences.  Here we do a few preparations.   If manually loading updates one at a time, you would be well advised to load all three of these updates together.  This update remembers existing pref values, then restores all pref to their default values so that those default values can be feed into the new preference objects.  Also, all existing Preferences panels are removed.
Thanks to Bob Arning for the code that hunts down and deletes all preferences panels present in mvc projects.
CAUTION: hand-jimmied."

3931prefJuntaPhaseTwo-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 15 April 2001
Retools Preferences so that each individual preference is represented by a Preference object which holds all its state.  Numerous old tables are expunged by the postscript to this update.
CAUTION: This fileout has been hand-jimmied"
PreferencesPanel deleteAllPreferencesPanels

3932prefJuntaPhaseThree-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 15 April 2001
The third and final part of the Preference junta which establshes Preference objects as the holders of all Preference data.  CAUTION: extensively hand-jimmied"

3933activeWorldExport-raa -- Bob Arning -- 19 April 2001
ensure right ActiveWorld if dialog needed during #copySmartRootsExport:"

3934psPrintFix-raa -- Bob Arning -- 19 April 2001
fix postscript printing of ProjectViewMorph (the name inside was not printing)"

3935resizeFix-raa -- Bob Arning -- 19 April 2001
When resizing SystemWindows with fast drag ON, filckering was observed after the mouse was released but before the mouse had moved again. This was due to both Sensor- and Event-style calls in the same interaction. Since the Sensor calls were flushing the event queue, the Event calls were getting the wrong answer"

3936projectPrefFix-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 19 April 2001
Important!  Fixes a bug that broke things when you entered a pre-existing project after the Preferences junta."

3937RefStream-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 19 April 2001
Incorporates Yoshiki Ohshima's fix to allow a ByteArray to hold a DataStream that might contain a String.
	Users should really use a RWBinaryOrTextStream instead for ReferenceStream and SmartRefStream.  Puts up an inform window when a ReadWriteStream is used.
Fix for LEDMorph>>step"

3938morePSFont-raa -- Bob Arning -- 20 April 2001
More Postscript fixups:
- scale the substitute for ComicBold down a little more so it fits etoy tiles better
- improve printing ImageMorphs when they have transparent bits
- fix printing of 8 bit forms"

3939nilSelectorWrkrnd-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 20 April 2001
Workaround regarding ill-formed scripts directories in uniclasses that have nil keys."

3940menuIconInViewer-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 20 April 2001
Use the classic Smalltalk 'menu' icon as the icon inviting a user click to bring up a menu
	(a) in the viewer header 
	(b) on every content row of a viewer.
Also, viewer rows for which a menu is not useful no longer show a menu icon.
Also, as a debugging aid and to assist in getting preexisting viewers to feel the new look, adds a new item 'relaunch this Viewer' to a viewer's main menu."

3941chgdSelector-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 20 April 2001
Provides a way to find all change sets that contain a change for a given selector, independent of class, whether it be add, delete, or modify; this is particularly handy for tracking down in just which change set a given method got deleted -- which itself is handy because that may be the only place from which you can recapture the lost method via 'versions'.
For example, try evaluating (in a 3.1a image):
	ChangeSorter browseChangeSetsWithSelector: #setSizeAndMakeResizable:
At the moment there is no UI to this feature -- you need to invoke it by evaluating expressions such as the example above in a workspace

3942miscChgs-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 20 April 2001
*	Honor cmd-f in the message-list pane of Lexicons, to take you to the 'find' feature, as it always has from the category-list pane.
*	Gets the right selector established for reacting to change in #useGlobalFlaps setting.
*	Three fixes relating to the auto-select feature in Lexicons.  This is still not 100% right, but a noticeable improvement.
*	Fixes the abilitiy of individual morphs to override what happens when asked to add Genie menu items to the halo menu, by moving the addition of the extra before the Genie items are added to the method that adds the Genie items.
*	The flap-tab menu is an early beneficiary of the preceding change -- it avoids both the extra line and the items that otherwise would be inserted by Genie."

3943WnldFlickerFix -- Andreas Raab -- 21 April 2001
Fixes a flickering problem in Wonderlands."

3944AtRandomFix -- Andreas Raab -- 11 April 2001
Fixes Set>>atRandom looping infintely if set size was divisable by five, e.g., 
	((Set new: 3) add: 1; yourself) atRandom
locked up more often than not."

3945HideFlap-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 21 April 2001
Make sure viewers go away whenever we start to paint not only when invoked through the painting flap."

3946polygonSubmorphs-raa -- Bob Arning -- 23 April 2001
Fixes: If a PolygonMorph with another morph embedded in it is put into a GeeMail and then taken out, the embedded morph's position is messed up."

3947swikiPassword-raa -- Bob Arning -- 23 April 2001
Add password protection to projects published on a SuperSwiki. There is a new preference #passwordsOnPublish which controls whether you will be prompted for a password when you publish. 
If this preference is off, your projects will be published without a password, allowing others to publish updated versions. If you attempt to publish a new version of a protected project, it will fail.
If this preference is on, you will be prompted for a password with which to protect the project. If the project already exists and the passwords do not match, the publish will fail."
	addPreference: #passwordsOnPublish 
	categories: #(publishing)
	default: false
	balloonHelp:  'Turn this on if you want to be prompted for a password when publishing a project.'.

3948ADPCMTypos-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 23 April 2001
Fixes typos from converting some indexed to named primitives."

3949FlashGrabFix-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 23 April 2001
Fixes a problem when grabbing flash morphs out of their environment."

3950MouseOverTweaks-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 23 April 2001
Make enter/leave notification accurate for morphs being the current mouse focus in which case we have to check explicitly if the hand is really over the receiver."

3951reinstateSizer-raa -- Bob Arning -- 24 April 2001
reinstate the variable spacing control on SyntaxMorphs"

3952DblClickProjects-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 24 April 2001
The CS unifies the mechanisms for starting up with some project into the (now renamed) ProjectLauncher. The ProjectLauncher will load a project when double clicking on it. Works nicely on Windows but needs to be tested on Mac since I'm uncertain if the VM knows where to find the corresponding image file."

3953gifFix-raa -- Bob Arning -- 25 April 2001
Fix some problems reading GIFs:
- local color tables are now supported.
- size of outCodes increased to handle larger images
- handling of transparentIndex fixed"

3954InvalidationFix-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 25 April 2001
Fixes an invalidation problem"

3955RoundedWorldCorners -- Andreas Raab -- 25 April 2001
Fixes rounded corners for worlds."

3956threadSafe -- Michael Rueger, Andreas Raab -- 26 April 2001
Makes the Transcript thread safe.
A fix that got lost for a year... ;-)

3957PointlessWarning-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 26 April 2001
Prevent raising a pointless warning in MovieMorph. No VM but MacOS pre X implements the concept of 'extraVMMemory' so it is quite common and perfectly okay to have extraVMMemory return zero."

3958TickDelay -- Andreas Raab -- 27 April 2001
Make the clock menu popup later to not confuse people."

3960FasterScrolling-di -- Dan Ingalls -- 22 April 2001
Scrolling was not achieving the specified times due to a fixed step rate, but variable scroll rate.  These changes use a variable step rate to simplify the code and improve consistency in this regard.  The default parameters have also been tweaked for slightly faster scrolling."

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