SWT Related point

Paul McDonough wnchips at home.com
Mon Apr 30 18:01:04 UTC 2001

Justa quick note ...

Stephane Ducasse wrote:
> John have you thought about a mechanism that would automatically list
> all the new/removed methods in comparison to SqC images. This
> would be really interesting/necessary.

Well my name ain't John so pmri, but this task is a nontrivial but
not-terribly-difficult application of Joseph Pelrine's "module" work. 
The idea being,
	1.  write a script to capture all of an image code in module form
("modularize it")
	2.  using the modules, write another script to gather a "catalogue" of
what's in that image
	3.  (slightly trickier) export the catalogue, repeat 1. and 2. on the
"other" image (e.g., SqC 3.0)
	4.  write a script to export the diffs between the two catalogues, and
there's your answer.

This procedure will seem hauntingly familiar to anyone who's ever
scripted to the Team/V api ... or to Envy's poor ol' lame-ass cross-eyed
feeble imitation thereof.

Yours etc., replete with dialect prejudice,

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