[FIX] ObjectPrintingTweaks

Steve Elkins sgelkins at bellsouth.net
Mon Apr 16 07:06:13 UTC 2001

from the preamble:

"Change Set:		ObjectPrintingTweaks
Date:			16 April 2001
Author:			Steve Elkins

To see the minor problems these changes correct, evaluate
<TimeProfileBrowser onBlock: [2 timesRepeat: [Transcript show: 10
factorial printString]]>, choose 'explore morph' from the debug menu of
Time Profile window, and outline expand the root's model.  The resulting
walkback uncovers 2 bugs.  One is that ObjectExplorerWrapper>>asString
lets exceptions through.  The other is that MessageTally>>printOn: fails
after MessageTally>>close has been sent to an instance.  One tweak makes
ObjectExplorerWrapper>>asString behave somewhat like
Inspector>>selectionPrintString and the other prevents walkbacks in
-------------- next part --------------
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