SyntaxHighlighting on 3.0

Helge Horch Helge.Horch at
Thu Apr 26 07:20:07 UTC 2001

At 23:18 25.04.2001 -0400, Bolot Kerimbaev wrote:
>I've fixed it up a bit so that it works with 3.0/3.1:

Ah, thanks!  Mind if I mirror it from my webpage?

One thing that puzzled me however was your change in 
Text>>highlightSyntaxIn:, where the last bit reads

         SyntaxHighlightingParser doSyntaxHighlighting
                 ifTrue: [...]
                 ifFalse: [self highlightSyntaxIn: aClass]

That got me in an endless recursion if the Preference was turned off?  I've 
attached another version of said method, restored to the [self 
makeSelectorBoldIn: aClass] code that was there before.

Speaking of Preferences, the second attachment is the definition of a 
proper Preference for SyntaxHighlighting, and its use in the parser.  (I 
had to filein the above patch before it, because the Preference initializes 
to false...)  I'll repackage all the next weekend, hopefully.

I'm very excited about the HTML generation stubs you put in (that was 
actually on my list, but somewhat down, ahem).  Is it for a Comanche 
command only, or would it be adaptable to the normal HTML "printout"?

Thanks again,
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