[OT] How We Discuss Things

Simon Michael simon at joyful.com
Wed Aug 1 16:45:45 UTC 2001

Not particularly squeak-stretching, but - I think there's good
potential in the direction of wiki/mail list integration. I have been
experimenting with this. For those interested, here's one way it can

- the wiki has a mailbox. Mail sent there gets appended to the wiki
page named in the subject header.  (With this setup, pages correspond
roughly to discussion threads or topics).

- people may subscribe to individual pages (or the whole
wiki). Subscribers are cc'd via email whenever a comment is appended
to a page. Any email replies they make get directed back to the same

- optional: the wiki provides a web form for appending comments. These
are equivalent to posts sent via email, and may be easier than (and
have different permissions from) full page edits.

Voila! A basic but flexible discussion forum in which one can
participate via email, through the web, or both. Performance,
reliability, & abuse protection issues: to be resolved.

Thoughts ?


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