[ENH] pluggable server action directory

David Mitchell dmitchell at appliedreasoning.com
Thu Aug 9 15:18:18 UTC 2001

I would highly recommend using the ComSwiki.I've set up about 10
swikis for personal, work, and homeschooling use over the last 3 years
and my last 5 have been with the ComSwiki. The setup is the same on
Macs and Windows (it is almost all done through the browser). It never
takes me more than 30 minutes to get one up and running by following
the instructions. (I even set one up on a laptop while eating breakfast.
Everyone else at the table was reading the newspaper.)

See http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/swiki

--David Mitchell                            
dmitchell at appliedreasoning.com

SD> I trying to set up a wiki on my local machine without much success but I
SD> will retry with a real  net.

SD> I want to write a small colunn on how to set up your own SWiki. The problem
SD> I see right now is that the people have to recompile the serverDirectory
SD> method. Have anybody ever thought to put a class instance variable and
SD> define three methods. This way we could have a 'scriptable' Swiki without
SD> having to recompile anything. Was there a reason not to do it?

SD> 'From Squeak3.0 of 4 February 2001 [latest update: #3552] on 8 August 2001
SD> at 10:05:19 pm'!
SD> ServerAction class
SD>     instanceVariableNames: 'serverDirectory '!

SD> !ServerAction class methodsFor: 'System Services' stamp: 'SD 8/8/2001
SD> 21:59'!
SD> pathSeparator
SD>       ^String with: FileDirectory pathNameDelimiter
SD> ! !

SD> !ServerAction class methodsFor: 'System Services' stamp: 'SD 8/8/2001
SD> 21:59'!
SD> serverDirectory
SD>     ^ serverDirectory
SD> ! !

SD> !ServerAction class methodsFor: 'System Services' stamp: 'SD 8/8/2001
SD> 22:01'!
SD> serverDirectory: aString
SD>     aString last asString = self pathSeparator
SD>         ifFalse: [ self error: 'the server directory path should end with a
SD> path separator'].
SD>     "we could put it automatically too"
SD>     serverDirectory := aString
SD> ! !

SD> !ServerAction class methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'SD 8/8/2001
SD> 22:04'!
SD> initialize

SD>     serverDirectory := self serverDirectory: 'Home:MyDir:'! !

SD> ServerAction initialize!

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