Request for Combo Box - Drop Down List

Phil Weichert weichert at
Tue Aug 21 15:58:16 UTC 2001

I still have not located a class that supports a read only combo box.
This is what VisualWorks call the widget.  The widget display a single
line of text with a botton on the right.  When the button is press a
list with the possible selections appear just below the box.  The list
stays down until a selection is made or the user clicks outside of the
list.  Crude picture below.

Would need a MVC and Morphic version!

Anyone know where I can find the widgets?


|  CAT        | V |   In normal state:

|  CAT        | V |   after button (v) pressed
|  CAT            |
|  DOG            |
|  FISH           |
|  FOX            |
|  ZEBRA          |

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