[newbie] how to install more fonts in your image

Simon Michael simon at joyful.com
Sat Dec 1 03:45:22 UTC 2001

Here are a few things I found in digging around the swiki, the list
and the image this evening:

1. a file-in which provides 12-point Cream, quite a pretty historical
font. Swiki -> Fonts ->

2. a file-in by Andrew Greenberg which provides Computer Modern fonts.
Swiki -> Fonts -> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/squeak/message/10426

3. TTFontReader installTTF: '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/somefont.ttf' asTextStyle: #FontName sizes: #(12 14 16 18 20 24)
will install a truetype font from your hard-drive - you probably have
a bunch of them somewhere.  You pick the sizes. These will be
monochrome only and are anti-aliased for a light background. Not too
useful for code but good-looking.

4. follow the steps in BDFFontReader class method gettingAndInstallingTheFonts
to install some standard X11 fonts from the net.
(I read the Swiki -> BDF Fonts For Squeak page but didn't realize it
could help until later)


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