
James Stark james_stark03 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 4 00:24:07 UTC 2001

quicksort: begin to: end

    | pivot i j temp middle |

    i := begin.
    j := end.
    middle := (i + j) // 2.
    pivot := self basicAt: middle.

    [ i > j ] whileFalse: [
        [ temp := self basicAt: i.
          (sortBlock value: pivot value: temp) not
              and: [ sortBlock value: temp value: pivot ]
        ] whileTrue: [ i := i + 1 ].

        [ temp := self basicAt: j.
          (sortBlock value: temp value: pivot) not
              and: [ sortBlock value: pivot value: temp ]
        ] whileTrue: [ j := j - 1 ].

        (i <= j) ifTrue: [
            (i == j) ifFalse: [
                temp := self basicAt: i.
                self basicAt: i put: (self basicAt: j).
                self basicAt: j put: temp.
            i := i + 1.
            j := j - 1

    (begin < j)
        ifTrue: [ self quicksort: begin to: j ].

    (i < end)
        ifTrue: [ self quicksort: i to: end ]

I can confrim that this algorithm does not work - its crap.  It starts from 
the middle?  thats not how quicksort is meant to work, its meant to start 
from the sides (left and right) and when they cross over it meant to assign 
the pivot value.  Actually its meant to assign the pivot value to the left 
to start off with.

If any of you guys have developed any other algortihms it would be 
interesting to do a trace.  Like a binary tree sort (is that more 
efficient?) I dont know... just traced that one - made no sense.



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