cycling through windows

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at
Sat Dec 8 10:35:36 UTC 2001

At 6:41 PM -0500 12/7/01, Doug Way wrote:
>About the only other things we'd need would be to be able to bring 
>different windows to the fore with the keyboard...

Note that "cmd-\" can be used from the desktop to send the top window 
to the back; repeated use of this allows you to cycle through all the 
windows in a project in z-order without needing to touch the mouse.

This used to be easily usable whenever the cursor was out over open 
desktop.  With the arrival of lazy keyboard defocus, sometimes one 
now first needs to do something to shake off an unwanted keyboard 
focus, *then* start hitting cmd-\ to cycle windows.  One good way to 
shake off a keyboard focus is to click on the desktop, or hit 
control-esc (after today's updates.)

   -- Scott

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