MPEG movie players--Which one to use?

John.Maloney at John.Maloney at
Sun Dec 9 16:43:13 UTC 2001

John Hinsley:

Karl is correct, the jpeg movie must end in .jmv to appear in the MPEGMoviePlayerMorph
menu. (I guess that should really be "MPEGorJPEGMoviePlayerMorph", but that's getting
a little verbose, don't you think?)

Incidentally, *only* MPEGMoviePlayerMorph (actually it's component, MPEGDisplayMorph)
knows how to play JPEG movies. I believe Karl, John Mac, and I agreed some time ago that
the other movie players should be considered obsolete and eventually removed from
the system to avoid confusion. (Of course, we will *definitely* convert MPEGBlobMorph
to use MPEGDisplayMorph before deleting the class it currently uses!)

As a first step towards this evolution, I'll move all the obsolete movie player code to
a class category such as "MPEG-Obsolete" to warn folks to use MPEGMoviePlayerMorph
instead of the other players. At some later date, if nobody objects, we can remove them
from the image entirely. If anyone prefers one of the other MPEG movie players, please
let me know why and I'll try to merge all the best features into MPEGMoviePlayerMorph.

See you at the movies!

	-- John

At 4:17 PM +0100 12/9/01, Karl Ramberg wrote:
>The MMPM filters files by looking at the file extension.
>The extension for jpeg movies is jmv.
>Maybe as a tribute to the writer of the jpeg plugin, 
>Juan Manuel Vuletich :-)

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