[ENH] Slightly more verbose 'vm statistics' panel.

Scott A Crosby crosby at qwes.math.cmu.edu
Thu Dec 13 09:54:31 UTC 2001

Wanted a little more verbosity. The average object size is a little
inaccurate and not to be trusted in the normal VM, but if you increase the
number of objects allocated before GC, it will get more accurate.  (See
the comment)

Filein and click the 'get VM statistics' menubutton.


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.2alpha of 3 October 2001 [latest update: #4411] on 13 December 2001 at 4:53:28 am'!

!Utilities class methodsFor: 'vm statistics' stamp: 'sac 12/13/2001 04:53'!
	"StringHolderView open: (StringHolder new contents:  
	Utilities vmStatisticsReportString) label: 'VM Statistics'"
	| params oldSpaceEnd youngSpaceEnd memoryEnd fullGCs fullGCTime incrGCs incrGCTime tenureCount mcMisses mcHits icHits upTime sendCount tms tmSize upTime2 fullGCs2 fullGCTime2 incrGCs2 incrGCTime2 tenureCount2 str youngAllocations rootUsed rootOverflows maxAllocations |
	params _ Smalltalk getVMParameters.
	oldSpaceEnd _ params at: 1.
	youngSpaceEnd _ params at: 2.
	memoryEnd _ params at: 3.
	youngAllocations _ params at: 4.
	maxAllocations _ params at: 5.
	fullGCs _ params at: 7.
	fullGCTime _ params at: 8.
	incrGCs _ params at: 9.
	incrGCTime _ params at: 10.
	tenureCount _ params at: 11.
	mcMisses _ params at: 15.
	mcHits _ params at: 16.
	icHits _ params at: 17.
	rootUsed _ params at: 21.
	rootOverflows _ params at: 22.
	upTime _ Time millisecondClockValue.
	sendCount _ mcMisses + mcHits + icHits.
	tms _ TranslatedMethod allSubInstances.
	tmSize _ tms
				inject: 0
				into: [:sum :tm | sum + (tm size * 4)].
	str _ WriteStream
				on: (String new: 1000).
	str nextPutAll: 'uptime			';
		 print: upTime / 1000 / 60 // 60;
		 nextPut: $h;
		 print: (upTime / 1000 / 60 \\ 60) asInteger;
		 nextPut: $m;
		 print: (upTime / 1000 \\ 60) asInteger;
		 nextPut: $s;
	str nextPutAll: 'memory			';
		 nextPutAll: memoryEnd asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: ' bytes';
	str nextPutAll: '	old			';
		 nextPutAll: oldSpaceEnd asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
		print: (oldSpaceEnd / memoryEnd * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
		 nextPutAll: '%)';
	str nextPutAll: '	young		';
		 nextPutAll: (youngSpaceEnd - oldSpaceEnd) asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
		print: (youngSpaceEnd - oldSpaceEnd / memoryEnd * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
		 nextPutAll: '%)';
	str nextPutAll: '	used		';
		 nextPutAll: youngSpaceEnd asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
		print: (youngSpaceEnd / memoryEnd * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
		 nextPutAll: '%)';
	str nextPutAll: '	free		';
		 nextPutAll: (memoryEnd - youngSpaceEnd) asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
		print: (memoryEnd - youngSpaceEnd / memoryEnd * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
		 nextPutAll: '%)';
	str nextPutAll: 'GCs				';
		 nextPutAll: (fullGCs + incrGCs) asStringWithCommas.
	fullGCs + incrGCs > 0
		ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: ' (';
				print: (upTime / (fullGCs + incrGCs) roundTo: 1);
				 nextPutAll: 'ms between GCs)'].
	str cr.
	str nextPutAll: '	full			';
		 print: fullGCs;
		 nextPutAll: ' totalling ';
		 nextPutAll: fullGCTime asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: 'ms (';
		print: (fullGCTime / upTime * 100 roundTo: 1.0);
		 nextPutAll: '% uptime)'.
	fullGCs = 0
		ifFalse: [str nextPutAll: ', avg ';
				print: (fullGCTime / fullGCs roundTo: 1.0);
				 nextPutAll: 'ms'].
	str cr.
	str nextPutAll: '	incr		';
		 print: incrGCs;
		 nextPutAll: ' totalling ';
		 nextPutAll: incrGCTime asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: 'ms (';
		print: (incrGCTime / upTime * 100 roundTo: 1.0);
		 nextPutAll: '% uptime), avg ';
		print: (incrGCTime / incrGCs roundTo: 1.0);
		 nextPutAll: 'ms';
	str nextPutAll: '	tenures		';
		 nextPutAll: tenureCount asStringWithCommas.
	tenureCount = 0
		ifFalse: [str nextPutAll: ' (avg ';
				 print: (incrGCs / tenureCount) asInteger;
				 nextPutAll: ' GCs/tenure)'].
	str cr.
		ifNil: [LastStats _ Array new: 6]
		ifNotNil: [upTime2 _ upTime
						- (LastStats at: 1).
			fullGCs2 _ fullGCs
						- (LastStats at: 2).
			fullGCTime2 _ fullGCTime
						- (LastStats at: 3).
			incrGCs2 _ incrGCs
						- (LastStats at: 4).
			incrGCTime2 _ incrGCTime
						- (LastStats at: 5).
			tenureCount2 _ tenureCount
						- (LastStats at: 6).
			str nextPutAll: 'Since last view	';
				 nextPutAll: (fullGCs2 + incrGCs2) asStringWithCommas.
			fullGCs2 + incrGCs2 > 0
				ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: ' (';
						print: (upTime2 / (fullGCs2 + incrGCs2) roundTo: 1);
						 nextPutAll: 'ms between GCs)'].
			str cr.
			str nextPutAll: '	uptime		';
				print: (upTime2 / 1000.0 roundTo: 0.1);
				 nextPutAll: 's';
			str nextPutAll: '	full			';
				 print: fullGCs2;
				 nextPutAll: ' totalling ';
				 nextPutAll: fullGCTime2 asStringWithCommas;
				 nextPutAll: 'ms (';
				print: (fullGCTime2 / upTime2 * 100 roundTo: 1.0);
				 nextPutAll: '% uptime)'.
			fullGCs2 = 0
				ifFalse: [str nextPutAll: ', avg ';
						print: (fullGCTime2 / fullGCs2 roundTo: 1.0);
						 nextPutAll: 'ms'].
			str cr.
			str nextPutAll: '	incr		';
				 print: incrGCs2;
				 nextPutAll: ' totalling ';
				 nextPutAll: incrGCTime2 asStringWithCommas;
				 nextPutAll: 'ms (';
				print: (incrGCTime2 / upTime2 * 100 roundTo: 1.0);
				 nextPutAll: '% uptime), avg '.
			incrGCs2 > 0
				ifTrue: [str
						print: (incrGCTime2 / incrGCs2 roundTo: 1.0);
						 nextPutAll: 'ms'].
			str cr.
			str nextPutAll: '	tenures		';
				 nextPutAll: tenureCount2 asStringWithCommas.
			tenureCount2 = 0
				ifFalse: [str nextPutAll: ' (avg ';
						 print: (incrGCs2 / tenureCount2) asInteger;
						 nextPutAll: ' GCs/tenure)'].
			str cr].
	LastStats at: 1 put: upTime.
	LastStats at: 2 put: fullGCs.
	LastStats at: 3 put: fullGCTime.
	LastStats at: 4 put: incrGCs.
	LastStats at: 5 put: incrGCTime.
	LastStats at: 6 put: tenureCount.
	sendCount > 0
		ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: 'sends			';
				 nextPutAll: sendCount asStringWithCommas;
			str nextPutAll: '	full			';
				 nextPutAll: mcMisses asStringWithCommas;
				 nextPutAll: ' (';
				print: (mcMisses / sendCount * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
				 nextPutAll: '%)';
			str nextPutAll: '	m-cache	';
				 nextPutAll: mcHits asStringWithCommas;
				 nextPutAll: ' (';
				print: (mcHits / sendCount * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
				 nextPutAll: '%)';
			str nextPutAll: '	i-cache		';
				 nextPutAll: icHits asStringWithCommas;
				 nextPutAll: ' (';
				print: (icHits / sendCount * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
				 nextPutAll: '%)';
	icHits > 0
		ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: 'methods			';
				 nextPutAll: tms size asStringWithCommas;
				 nextPutAll: ' translated';
			str nextPutAll: '	size			';
				 nextPutAll: tmSize asStringWithCommas;
				 nextPutAll: ' bytes, avg ';
				print: (tmSize / tms size roundTo: 0.1);
				 nextPutAll: ' bytes/method';
			str nextPutAll: '	memory		';
				print: (tmSize / youngSpaceEnd * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
				 nextPutAll: '% of used, ';
				print: (tmSize / memoryEnd * 100 roundTo: 0.1);
				 nextPutAll: '% of available';
	str cr.
	str nextPutAll: '----- Details ----';
	str nextPutAll: 'youngspace allocations		';
		 nextPutAll: youngAllocations asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: '/';
		 nextPutAll: maxAllocations asStringWithCommas;
		 nextPutAll: '  (';
		"Note, the average size will be inaccurate. It counts the total size of youngspace over the number of new allocations. This ignores any untenured young objects."
		print: ((youngSpaceEnd - oldSpaceEnd / youngAllocations) asFloat roundTo: 0.1);
		 nextPutAll: ' bytes avg size)';
	str nextPutAll: '	root table used:			';
		 print: rootUsed;
	str nextPutAll: '	root table overflows:	';
		 print: rootOverflows;
	^ str contents! !

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