[Bug?] Popup Menu behavior change

Ross Boylan RossBoylan at stanfordalumni.org
Fri Dec 28 02:29:44 UTC 2001

After taking in the latest changes the menu behavior has changed in a
way that seems like a bug. 

I have some morphs which popup a menu on middle mouse button click.
Here's some of the code:

mouseDown: evt
	| aMenu |
	evt ifNil: [^super mouseDown: evt].
	(evt isMouseDown and: [ evt yellowButtonChanged.])
		ifFalse: [^super mouseDown: evt].
	aMenu _ self actionMenu.
	aMenu openInHand.

actionMenu returns a MenuMorph.

Old Behavior: the menu came up under the cursor.  You move the cursor
and click to make a selection.

New Behavior: the menu comes up under the cursor. Moving the cursor
moves the menu.  To select, one must click and drag the mouse to the
proper position, then release.

I've looked a bit at the code in some of the menu changes, but don't
see anything obvious.  For example, the arrow keys seem not to be
active when the menu pops up to make the selection.

I'd like to restore the old behavior.

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