[BUGS] Looking for plugins (Linux)

Tim Rowledge tim at sumeru.stanford.edu
Sat Dec 29 06:03:19 UTC 2001

Joshua 'Schwa' Gargus wrote:

> I guess I haven't paid the necessary attention to SQ_LIBDIR.  Is it set
> via an argument to configure?
Yes. Or No. Or maybe. I think it might be an environment variable as
well - or instead. Something like that.

> > I usually end up with the plugins in the same
> > directory as the cwd.
> Really?  You have your image, filed-out changesets, and other
> miscellany all in the same directory with .so plugin files?
On linux, yup, that's what usually happens. The plugins could probably
go somewhere else but I can't be bothered to move them. 
> I think
> that I'd find that quite cluttered.  I guess that you primarily do
> this on your Acorn, and probably have a nice GUI file browser that
> separates them based on their file type.
Oh, it's better than that. Acorn has a rather nice idea, the
'application directory' that I gather Apple has pretty much adopted on
OS-X. You have a directory marked in some way (Acorn use an initial $!
in the name) as an application and then everything to do with the
program goes in there - a script file that is read when the application
is first seen by the filer (to provide icons etc), a script to execute
when you run the application (to set environment variables, check on
libraries and so on), the executable(s), help files, documentation,
resources etc. Oh and for many kinds of application a set of default
'blank' data files; useful for word processors etc. So for squeak I have
assorted image/change files in various directories plus a !Squeak
application directory containing
!boot (first seen script)
!run  ( run script)
!runimage (executable)
SourcesV3 (the squeak sources file, shared across all images)
      code (the actual file plugin code)
     SocketPlugin etc
Templates (window definitions etc)

>From what I've heard the OS-X bubdle is rather like this. The really
nice thing about this format is that installing squeak on Acorn is
  copy the !Squeak application directory
  copy the image file
  copy the changes file
...done. Deinstalling is simply delete !Squeak. No annoying registry or
desktop file or scattered files in /usr/var/lost/confused/go-away etc.

> I still haven't found a GUI for Linux that pisses me
> off less than it helps me out.
Me neither, with the honorable exception of ROX which is, you guessed
it, a copy (almost) of the Acorn gui. Still needs some more work though
before it is truly usable. Worth a look on SF for the ROX project though.
> > Surely it also ought to look in the same directory
> > as the vm, and maybe in a suitable subdir of that.
> If I fixed that, could I send you the patch to upload to SourceForge?


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