[ENH]Re: 3.0 final image available for test

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Sun Feb 18 14:03:22 UTC 2001

Dan Ingalls wrote:

> Mac users can execute...
>         FileDirectory default
>                 setMacFileNamed: 'Squeak3.0.image'
>                 type: 'STIM'
>                 creator: 'FAST'.
> ...after unpacking, so as to be able to run the image.

I think the type is 'STim'

I added this to the FileList, if the filename ends with .image
it sets the type and creator appropriate. 

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.1alpha of 5 February 2001 [latest update: #3636] on 18 February 2001 at 2:59:36 pm'!

!FileList methodsFor: 'file list menu' stamp: 'kfr 2/18/2001 14:57'!
	"Save the contents of a gzipped file"
	| zipped buffer unzipped newName |
	newName _ fileName copyUpToLast: FileDirectory extensionDelimiter.
	unzipped _ directory newFileNamed: newName.
	zipped _ GZipReadStream on: (directory readOnlyFileNamed: self fullName).
	buffer _ String new: 50000.
	'Extracting ' , self fullName
		displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint
		from: 0
		to: zipped sourceStream size
			[:bar | 
			[zipped atEnd]
					[bar value: zipped sourceStream position.
					unzipped nextPutAll: (zipped nextInto: buffer)].
			zipped close.
			unzipped close].
	(newName endsWith:'.image') ifTrue:[
	 FileDirectory default
                setMacFileNamed: unzipped name
                type: 'STim'
                creator: 'FAST'].
	self updateFileList. 
	^ newName! !

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