Squeak/linux/iPaq display speed

Yoshiki Ohshima ohshima at is.titech.ac.jp
Tue Feb 20 00:12:52 UTC 2001


  I happened to have an iPaq unit.  I managed to compile the
WinCE version VM from the Ned Konz' source tree (thank you!) 
and it seems working ok.  (though, some small tweak was

  I tried to run couples of benchmarks on it.  I found one
thing which seems really slow (compared to the other
results) is display update.  I suspect that it could be a
problem with Windows CE.

  My question is that if the OS is Linux (or other than
WinCE), how fast it is.

  If you have an iPaq with such setting, would you run the
following program in various Display depth setting?

	| rect |
	rect _ (0 at 0 extent: 224 at 224).
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	^ [1 to: 200 do: [:i |
		Display forceToScreen: rect.
	]] timeToRun

  On my iPaq, the results are:

    depth    msec
      1      8650
      4      8381
      8      9065
     16     11821
     32     11920


  -- Yoshiki

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